How to force yourself to sleep on your back

Long and healthy sleep is called the best doctor in the world. It is also allowed to call it “sweet”, because, covered with a warm blanket, you can see happiness and love in the dark. Good rest promotes active daily life and relaxation of muscle tissue. It is during sleep that a very useful hormone is released - melatonin, which helps fight old age. Having quality sleep, you will restore physical strength, restore clarity of thinking, improve attention and memory, get a great mood, and boost your immunity. It is very important to develop for yourself the most effective method for getting quality sleep. One effective method is to fall asleep on your back. This position is called the most correct. You could use some reviews and tips on how to train yourself to sleep on your back. It's not that difficult and it's also safe.

Benefits of sleeping on your back

Overnight, a person returns to normal the entire body, tired after a busy day. Many people wonder: how to sleep on your back correctly, is it beneficial or harmful? It should be noted that this pose is the most “honorable”; it is also called royal. If you master this technique, you will get maximum relaxation and good health for the whole day.

American dermatologist, PhD, Mary Lupo, was the first to talk about the benefits of falling asleep on your back. She spent a long time looking at how sleep positions affect premature aging. She was primarily interested in women's health. After all, it is so important for representatives of the fair sex to have elastic, elastic skin, shiny and glowing eyes with happiness. Mary Lupo concluded that a woman’s beauty directly depends on effective sleep. Those who get used to sleeping on their back add the following advantages to their piggy bank:

  1. the spine improves;
  2. no swelling;
  3. wrinkles are smoothed out;
  4. muscles relax, spasms disappear;
  5. heartburn and belching disappear;
  6. the chest is not compressed;
  7. Nerve endings are not pinched.

Another benefit and reason to sleep on your back is that it makes your dreams sound, pleasant and interesting. By learning to sleep in this position, you will get rid of nightmares, disturbing visions, and renew your body and psyche.

What is convenient is not always useful

In order for a person to gain strength for the whole day, he needs to sleep at least 8 hours. Sometimes you don’t have to lie down in any position during this time. But is it useful? After all, it is the posture, as well as light, air temperature, and sound insulation that affect the duration and quality of stay in the kingdom of Morpheus. Let's analyze several postures for falling asleep and their pros and cons:

  1. "Childish" pose on the stomach, or "skydiver". This is the position in which babies like to fall asleep. This pose is chosen by people suffering from nervous diseases or problems with the stomach and intestines. What does falling asleep like this lead to? You constantly keep your neck tense, so you don't allow your spine to relax. The face also suffers from this because it gets crushed by the pillow, wrinkles and folds appear. Still, 17% of the population sleeps this way. This is fraught with the appearance of a feeling of anxiety after waking up.
  2. Favorite pose by many on the side. It is considered more natural for our body and allows us to relieve stress from the lower back. A very low, almost flat pillow, a flat and elastic mattress are suitable for this position. All this is to avoid curvature of the cervical spine. Remember not to lie on your left side for a long time.
  3. Twisted curl up. 58% of people prefer this fetal position. This is not surprising, because in our troubled age there are a lot of alarmists who are overwhelmed by eternal problems. Such people are very conscientious and responsible, but they overthink everything and worry.
  4. In the "log" pose, or on the back. Experts consider it the ideal sleeping position. But sometimes those who begin to master this method feel their body constrained and stiff. Nevertheless, about 30% of the population were able to maintain this situation. It is not at all easy to sleep with your arms stretched out straight and your arms at your sides. Most often, this method is mastered by adamant and stubborn people. These are self-confident individuals, sometimes domineering and arrogant. Don't forget that sleeping on your back is beneficial!

Prepare your spine

So, you already understand why you need to learn to sleep on your back. The benefits of this pose are listed above. There are many advantages to falling asleep this way. The main one is that you get healthy sleep. How to learn to sleep on your back in the easiest way? If we consider the comic option, then you can tie yourself to the bed. The first attempt, of course, will be unsuccessful, but over time you will probably fall asleep. But is it healthy to abuse your body like this?

Another tough method of how to quickly train yourself to sleep on your back is mental and physical exhaustion. You need to be so tired that you just want to flop over backwards and fall asleep. The method is effective, but does not guarantee that after a few minutes you will not roll over to your usual position.

If you decide to test how comfortable it is to sleep on your back, conduct the experiment for a week. First, make sure that everything is in order with your spine. If there are curvatures in it, then sleep will be accompanied by painful sensations. If you have discomfort in your back, be sure to go to a surgeon who will advise how to get rid of it. You may need to lose a few extra pounds. Sometimes the doctor prescribes back massage sessions. If no special spinal defects are found, then you can safely continue to master the technique of falling asleep on your back.

Buy an orthopedic pillow

After you check the condition of your spine and get a positive result, think about your future health. To sleep comfortably on your back, it is important to elevate your head correctly. To breathe freely during sleep, it is better to raise your head 8-12 cm. You can use two pillows or purchase a special orthopedic one that adapts to the size and shape of your head. Any furniture store offers a wide range of such devices. The neck muscles on the orthopedic pillow will remain relaxed and will not strain. This will promote comfortable sleep. Orthopedic pillows in the form of a wedge are very comfortable.

Take the pressure off your lower back

But this is not all the recommendations on the topic: “How to learn to sleep on your back.” In addition to the pillow, you need to choose a comfortable mattress that will support the body and lower back. For this purpose, spirals and springs are inserted into the mattress. The more spirals, the more convenient the device for relaxation. Any mattress is filled with special padding material, the maximum thickness of which can reach 50 cm. Mattresses are produced with special covers for additional body support. The main thing is that the device does not sag.

After choosing a mattress and pillow, take care to take the pressure off your lower back. It will be easier for you to fall asleep if you place a special pillow or cushion under your knees.

Find a comfortable body position

If you have never slept on your back before, you can first roll from one side to the other. To avoid such upheavals, you need to find the most comfortable position on your back. Some people spread their legs, others need to raise their arms above their heads or put them under the pillow. Try to feel that your neck is supported. Lower your chin just below forehead level. Relax your legs as much as possible and spread your feet out to the sides. Place your hands along your body, palms up, and spread them slightly to the sides so that your shoulders can relax. In yoga, this position is also called shavasana. For complete relaxation, wear a soft, dark blindfold. The blanket should not be too hot or heavy.

Then watch your breathing. At first it should feel like your body is expanding. Take 20 deep breaths, gradually lengthening them. Then forget about controlling your breathing and allow your body to relax as much as possible and fall asleep.

The right mood and relaxation

Whatever position you try to fall asleep in, throw all daytime worries and anxious thoughts out of your head. If you don't do this, you won't be able to lie on your back for long and will toss and turn. Having thrown away all the problems, you will feel at ease and natural. A warm shower before bed and a cup of lemon balm tea will help you relax. It's even better to drink a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey. It is better to stop watching TV or visiting social networks on the computer an hour before bedtime. Play some light music for relaxation.

Buy a humidifier; dry air can irritate your nose and throat, leading to snoring and congestion. You can purchase such a humidifier at a regular hardware store.

Light dinner

Try not to overeat or drink alcohol 2 hours before bedtime. Excessive alcohol intake causes restless sleep. Eating heavy meals at night can trigger disturbing dreams. Overeating leads to snoring and constant tossing and turning in bed. 2-3 hours before bedtime, try not to eat, drink only water, or kefir. The stomach will be able to digest all the food in time, and the body will be ready for sleep.

The benefits of physical activity

If a person does nothing all day, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep in any position. Try to keep yourself busy with work during the day, otherwise you will not be able to fall asleep on your back. A tired person, even without the habit, will be able to fall asleep on his back. You can do some housework, cook in the kitchen. It’s great if your habit becomes short runs every day. Dancing to rhythmic music or aerobics and fitness are great activities for your health. Don't exhaust yourself to the point of exhaustion, but the answer to the question of how to learn to sleep on your back is just such an extreme measure.

Reviews about sleeping on your back

So you have learned how to learn to sleep on your back. Reviews about such falling asleep are the most contradictory. For many people, it helps them get maximum rest, while others complain of restless dreams. On the forums, some advise not just lying on your back and breathing deeply, but also doing auto-training. Slowly lie down on the bed, lowering first one arm, then the other. Give yourself mental commands with numbers: on “one,” inhale, on “two,” exhale. Try to imagine something very pleasant.

Sleeping on your back is the most beneficial, and this is noted by many who practice it. It is in this position that little children fall asleep in their first months of life. Women note that this sleeping position improves the condition of the skin. This position is also most comfortable for the neck.

Useful tips

Check out another simple way to fall asleep on your back. To do this, direct your gaze to the ceiling and place a comfortable cushion under your neck. Place two large pillows on the sides of your ears to cover your ears tightly. You can replace them with earplugs.

A great activity to do while lying on your back is a mini-course of relaxation. Listen to the beat of your heart, imagine how the blood flows through your veins. It’s easy and calm for you, you can do anything and can handle anything!

Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed in sleeping in the strictly correct position on your back the first time. You will definitely overcome this height, be persistent!

During his life, a person spends a large amount of time sleeping. For health and normal active activity, sleep plays a very important role, since the body needs quality rest in order to work equally well. But do we always manage to rest one hundred percent during sleep? It turns out that there are many factors on which the effectiveness of a night's rest depends. Not least on this list is optimal body position. How to learn to sleep correctly, what position is best to take: on your back, on your side or on your stomach, you should understand in more detail.

In what cases is it useful?

Most experts recommend sleeping on your back. This position is considered the most physiologically correct. This pose is especially useful for people who suffer from spinal curvature. We need to figure out why it is so important to choose this particular sleeping position.

  1. Lying on your back during sleep achieves maximum muscle relaxation. That is why we can talk about quality physical rest.
  2. A person sleeping on their back is less prone to swelling.
  3. This position promotes normal digestion and prevents heartburn.
  4. The face-up position is the most favorable for the spine. In this case, it is best to sleep without a pillow or on a small pillow. Thus, the cervical spine does not bend, the entire back assumes a physiological position. In addition, this pose promotes normal blood supply to the brain.
  5. Sleeping on your back is not only very good for your health, but also allows you to keep your skin young for a long time. Due to the fact that the face does not rest against the pillow, the risk of wrinkles on the face is reduced. The same can be said about the skin of the chest, which, when lying on the back, retains its beauty and elasticity.

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In what cases is it harmful?

Despite the significant list of positive aspects, in some cases sleeping on your back is harmful - why is it sometimes better to choose a different position for night rest, and how can lying on your back be dangerous?

  1. There is a category of people who snore in their sleep. As a rule, when lying on your back, snoring intensifies, which causes a lot of inconvenience to loved ones. But for the snorer himself, this state of affairs can be fraught with consequences. Snoring interferes with the normal circulation of oxygen in the brain, which can trigger sleep apnea, or sudden cessation of breathing during sleep. Therefore, for snorers, it would be better to lie on your side or on your stomach, depending on which position the snoring will decrease.
  2. It is not advisable for pregnant women to rest in this position, especially in the third trimester. Due to the fact that a woman’s body weight increases, a strong impact is exerted on the spine, which makes it impossible to completely relax and get a good night’s sleep. In addition, the pressure on the vena cava increases, and there is a risk of fetal hypoxia.
  3. It is not advisable to sleep on your back if you have a runny nose. In this case, mucus blocks the airways, making it impossible for the patient to breathe through the nose. A different position will help make breathing easier during sleep.
  4. It is not recommended to put newborn babies to sleep on their back, as during sleep the child may burp and choke. He will be much more comfortable and safer on his side.

How to sleep correctly

Many people know that sleeping on your back is the most beneficial, but not everyone knows how to sleep correctly, because this position has some nuances that should be remembered. Not every person will find the position on their back comfortable, because if you are not used to it, you may feel some tension in the spine. To avoid it, you must follow the recommendations:

  1. One of the popular methods is to place a small cushion under the lower back, which will help relieve tension from this part of the spine.
  2. A roller under the knees, which will force you to slightly raise your hips and bend your knees, will make the position more physiological, which will allow you to feel comfortable in this pose.
  3. To relax the cervical spine, use a small (no thicker than the size of the neck) cushion under the neck instead of a pillow.

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Experts note: this position of the body during sleep is natural and comfortable, but there should not be additional pillows to which we are accustomed. If it is impossible to sleep without them, then you need to choose a smaller pillow so that a sharp crease does not occur in the cervical region. The mattress should not be too soft; a special orthopedic mattress is best.

How to get used to sleeping on your back

In order to have quality rest while sleeping, you still have to train yourself to sleep on your back, as this is a fundamental factor in healthy sleep.

First of all, you should take care of the sleeping area. For a healthy rest, an orthopedic mattress made of special fabric and filler is best suited. It will help the spine to take the most correct position, while providing maximum comfort. If it is not possible to purchase such a mattress, an alternative would be a surface that is not too soft.

Ideally, of course, give up the pillow, but if such a refusal prevents you from falling asleep quickly, then you need to change the high pillow to a lower one. There are also orthopedic pillows that have a special recess for the head. By the way, these pillows are aimed at the position on the back during sleep, and this is another reason to verify the effectiveness of this position.

It's not just trying to sleep on your back that can cause you to fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, you need to get rid of all other factors that interfere with rest. First of all, this concerns digestion. Eating heavy food at night will force the body to work for a long time, this will lead to heaviness, discomfort, heartburn and other problems. Of course, it will be difficult to fall asleep. You need to accustom yourself to having dinner a couple of hours before bedtime, mostly with light food. You also don’t need to go to bed on an empty stomach, because the rumbling in your stomach will make you think only about food, and sleep will fade into the background.

Before going to bed, you need to take a break from stressful thoughts and problems. Constantly scrolling through disturbing information in your head will keep your brain awake, which will greatly affect the speed of falling asleep and the quality of your sleep. It is best to think about pleasant things, make plans for the near future, and remember the good things. To do this, you need to get as much positive emotional support as possible during the day, not get upset over trifles, don’t think about bad things, don’t be offended and enjoy life more often. Then every day before going to bed you will be able to remember more joyful events and tune in to a restful, sound sleep.

To relax, you can perform a simple set of exercises at night aimed at stretching and relaxing your muscles. The most effective will be circular movements of the head, various twists, breathing exercises with elements of meditation. Such actions will help you tune in to sleep and allow you to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

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If physical fatigue occurs at the end of the day, falling asleep occurs very quickly. This is a chance to take the right position and instantly fall asleep before you want to change position. Therefore, fatigue is a faithful assistant in acquiring the right habit.

Doctors' opinion

Any sleeping position has its pros and cons, so some experts recommend listening to your body, because a comfortable position helps you fall asleep. However, people who have any spinal problems should learn to sleep on their back. This pose will help cope with curvature and accompanying pain, relieve stress and prevent spinal deformation.


To get the most benefits from sleep, you need to sleep on your back. This position compensates for all the stress that the spine experiences during the day, allowing you to relax as much as possible and get quality sleep. Unfortunately, this is not the most comfortable position for sleeping, but it is the most useful. Therefore, it is worth overpowering yourself and acquiring a new healthy habit.

Sleep is an important component of our life. It is necessary for the body to rest, regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of work. Most people prefer to curl up, or sleep on their stomach.

Only some people prefer to sleep on their back. For some, this is a habit, but for others, it is a conscious choice, because they believe that in this position their body will be able to completely relax.

Why is it good to sleep on your back?

Sleep should be at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated area. But this is not enough for a good and complete rest. Another important condition is the position of lying on your back. Because it is this position that promotes high quality night rest, prevents the appearance of facial wrinkles and normalizes the functioning of all organs.

When a person lies on his back, the spine and all the muscles of the face, abdomen and chest are completely relaxed. Other poses accelerate the aging process, skin and muscles lose their elasticity.

Rest on the stomach has the most negative effect. This situation activates the rapid formation of wrinkles. After such a dream, a person looks rumpled. Therefore, everyone who cares about their health and beauty needs to carefully study the question of how to learn to sleep on their back.

How to train yourself to sleep on your back?

If you are wondering how to train yourself to sleep on your back, the following recommendations based on scientific research and the experience of other people will help.

To learn how to sleep on your back, you need to use the following tips:

  1. Bed dress. An important element of a comfortable bed is a pillow. A seemingly insignificant detail actually has a big impact on how comfortable it will be to lie on it. If a person is comfortable on it, he will not want to change his position. It is better to remove high, low, soft and hard pillows away. The ideal option is an orthopedic product with a recess for the head. Equally important is the mattress. If it has an uneven surface, then it will be uncomfortable and then there is a natural desire to roll over.
  2. Perseverance. You should be prepared for the fact that the process of getting used to it will be long. At first, this position will seem uncomfortable and even become a real challenge. But if you show a little persistence and don’t give up after the first difficulties, everything will work out right away. Married couples can agree that from a certain day they will sleep only this way. Support and a promise to another person will be a powerful incentive not to give up and overcome yourself.
  3. Avoid heavy foods. Having dinner the night before bedtime will cause a lot of problems. A full stomach will cause pain and heaviness in the abdomen. In this state there will clearly be no time for sleep. Therefore, dinner should be light and not late.
  4. Fatigue. Sitting around all day can cause insomnia. If you do nothing during the day, your body will not get tired. In the evening, it will be difficult to fall asleep. To ensure sound sleep, you need to lead an active lifestyle during the day: play sports, work and actively relax. After a busy day, a person will not care how he lies, the main thing is to fall asleep as quickly as possible.
  1. Relaxation. You can start getting used to the new position with relaxation. To do this, you need to lie down on the sofa, relax and think about something good. You can turn on your favorite melody. Gradually, this activity will develop into a habit and you may even like it.

These simple techniques don't work for some people. Fear is more effective for them. Fearing the consequences of an incorrect sleeping position, they will be able to force themselves to learn to sleep on their back.

If you lie with your face buried in a pillow, you can get up in the morning with bags under your eyes and a lot of swelling. Over time, small wrinkles will appear on the face, which, connecting with each other, form a mesh. Is it all worth it to relax in your favorite position?

How to sleep on your back correctly?

Learning to fall asleep on your back is not enough. You need to know how to sleep correctly in this position. Your legs should be slightly bent. To make them comfortable, a special cushion is placed under them.

To make the spine comfortable, you can also place a cushion under it. This will prevent curvature of the spinal column.

It is also necessary to place a pillow under the neck, the height of which corresponds to the thickness of the neck. The head should lie flat or slightly raised.

Why do you need to train yourself to sleep on your back?

The following facts will be a strong argument in favor of acquiring such a useful habit.

Regular back rest provides:

  1. slowing down aging and preventing the formation of wrinkles;
  2. healthy spine;
  3. no pinching of nerve endings;
  4. prevents muscle spasms.

Over time, people who have learned to lie in this position note that their dreams have become interesting and pleasant. They stop having nightmares and become calmer.

Is it possible to sleep on your back

Unfortunately, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. This also applies to resting on your back.

There are a number of disadvantages to this habit:

  1. Snore. People often snore while lying on their back. Snoring is a cessation of breathing during which the brain does not receive oxygen. For those who suffer from this problem constantly, snoring while sleeping on their back will only get worse. After such a rest in the morning you will feel tired and lack of strength. Therefore, for such people, sleeping in this position is contraindicated.
  2. Pregnancy. Expectant mothers in their final stages should beware of this body position. Because their lower back and internal organs are constantly under stress. Fans of night rest on their back who are in an interesting position should consult with their doctor. If there are no contraindications, they may be allowed to rest in their favorite position.

There are also a number of other reasons why you should not sleep like this. If your back hurts, the only possible position is lying on your side. Don't force yourself to be in an uncomfortable position and endure pain. This can aggravate the situation and cause harm to health.

Don't be skeptical about the idea of ​​learning to sleep on your back. With a little effort, you will be rewarded for your efforts. Youth, energy and lack of wrinkles will be the best reward. Remember that beauty and health are only in your hands.