Krasovitova Skin Plastic surgery

Krasovitova skin grafting: modern methods and applications

Krasovitova skin plasty is one of the methods of plastic surgery, which was developed by the Soviet surgeon V.K. Krasovitov. This method allows you to restore skin defects after injuries, tumors or other diseases, as well as improve the cosmetic appearance of skin surfaces.

The basic principle of krasovit skin grafting is the use of skin flaps, which are taken from healthy areas of the body and transferred to the site of the defect. Various areas of skin can be used as a donor area, such as the thigh, abdomen or back. The transferred flap of skin is joined to the defect tissue and fixed with sutures.

Krasovitova skin plasty is widely used in plastic surgery to restore skin defects after operations to remove tumors, injuries, burns and other skin damage. This method can also be used to correct cosmetic defects, for example, to eliminate scars or wrinkles on the face.

Modern methods of krasovit skin plastic surgery allow achieving high results in terms of functionality and aesthetics. These include the use of technologies such as laser cutting, microsurgery and computer modeling. These methods make it possible to accurately determine the size of the skin flap and the location of its transfer, which in turn improves outcome predictions and reduces the risks of complications.

In conclusion, we can say that Krasovit skin grafting is one of the most effective and widely used methods of plastic surgery. It allows you to restore skin defects and improve the cosmetic appearance of skin surfaces, which significantly improves the quality of life of patients.

Krasovitova skin plastic surgery V.K. Krasovitov

Krasovit skin grafting is a method of surgical restoration of skin after wounds, burns and other injuries. This method was developed by the famous Soviet surgeon Vladimir Krasovitov in the 1960s. It is based on the use of artificial materials to create new skin that will function like real skin.

The procedure requires special preparation and is performed in the clinic under local anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision in the skin, which allows him to remove the damaged areas and replace them with artificial skin, which consists of special polymers. This skin can be purchased at a pharmacy or from the manufacturer, depending on the size and complexity of the operation.

Main advantages