Soft stretchers

The need for stretchers first arose in 1862 during a military operation near Krasgrad. The German soldiers were there in the trenches, so they had to not only be demolished, but also comfortably transferred to each other. Even after the complete collapse of the German army, a huge number of such stretchers were required. At different times their use was prohibited under different pretexts.

The first stretchers were wooden. They were created in compliance with certain rules and standardization norms. If in Germany the first stretchers began to be produced back in the 8th century (firearms) and are still relevant today, then in our country this type of stretcher was created only at the end of the 19th century in St. Petersburg. The stretchers were made of hard wood - beech, maple, ash, cherry, etc. In 356, the first export of wooden stretchers to Denmark took place. The number of orders for media amounted to 20 thousand pieces. Since then, wood has been actively used in the production of stretchers. Even waste wood was allowed to be used.