Kretschmer Proportion Diathetic

The Kretschmer diathetic proportion is the ratio between the width and height of the body, which is used to determine a person’s body type. It was developed by German psychiatrist and psychologist Ernst Kretschmer in the 1920s.

According to Kretschmer, there are three main body types: asthenic (asthenic physique), athletic (athletic physique) and picnic (picnic physique).

The asthenic type is characterized by narrow shoulders, a narrow chest, narrow hips and long arms and legs. Asthenics usually have long necks and thin limbs, and also tend to be thin. This body type is often found in people with high intelligence and a penchant for intellectual activity.

The athletic type is characterized by broad shoulders, a broad chest and wide hips. Athletes typically have broad shoulders, wide hips, and short arms and legs. This body type is often found in athletes and people involved in physical activity.

Picnics have a broad chest, broad shoulders and hips, and short limbs. Picnics usually have round body shapes and tend to be overweight. This body type is usually found in people who are overweight and love to eat.

The Kretschmer diathetic proportion is determined by measuring the width and height of the body. If the width of the body is greater than the height, then this is an asthenic physique. If the height of the body is greater than the width, then this is an athletic build. And if the width and height of the body are approximately equal, then this is a picnic physique.

However, it should be noted that the determination of the body type according to Kretschmer of the diathetic proportion may be inaccurate and does not always correspond to reality. Also, this ratio does not take into account other factors such as height, weight and body proportions. Therefore, when determining your body type, you should take into account all factors and not limit yourself only to the Kretschmer diathetic proportion.

Kretschmer’s proportion is diabetic, “the main element of emotions” is a combination of tonic components: parasympathetic and sympathetic. Parasympathetic components have a positive spectrum of action, are symmetrical, act through blood vessels, myocardium, diaphragm, stomach, lead to a rush of blood to the lower extremities, and defecation. Sympathetic elements include sympathetic effects. They act according to a multidirectional model - they reduce digestion, increase the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, increase appetite, contribute to the narrowing of the lumen of veins and capillaries, diastole of the atria and ventricles of the heart, provide blood redistribution and additional activation of the pelvic organs. The development of sympathoadrenal mechanisms underlies asthenia, neuroses, emotional depression, anxiety, and tachycardia. The impact of the diabetic proportion increases with a negative emotional environment, the appearance of unwanted or unusual irritation to an object or situation. Kretschmer A. introduced typical forms of psychomotor manifestations: pycnic and asthenic, which he associated with the predominance of parasympathetic influences or, conversely, sympathetic reactions.