Sunburn cream

If, while sunbathing in the sun, you still get burned, then the only way to regain your previous appearance is to use ointments And cream, relieving inflammation. To prevent this from happening to you in the future, be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin before leaving your room or home.

What to do immediately after a sunburn appears (first aid)

Remember the basic recommendations:

  1. First of all, leave the place in the sun. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse;
  2. If there are blisters, run to a doctor or call 911 immediately. Do not open them yourself. There is a high risk of subcutaneous infection and further skin damage;
  3. Do not try to rub your skin with vegetable or butter! Instead, treat the affected areas with aloe juice or take a cool shower;
  4. Use sunburn cream. They will be discussed below;
  5. If swelling occurs, especially in the neck, immediately run to the doctor!
  6. Extensive burns of the extremities may be accompanied by severe swelling, which causes loss of sensation and blue discoloration. In this case, you also need to consult a doctor;
  7. During the entire recovery period of the skin, do not wear clothes made of “hard” and “non-breathable” fabrics, such as synthetics. Wear clothes made of cotton or silk.
  8. Drink more fluids, preferably green tea. Increase your vitamin C intake.

Important: Before applying any ointment or cream to the skin, cool it down - take a 10-15 minute cool shower.

The best remedies for sunburn

The pharmacy sells many effective remedies designed to help those who are sunburned. And here are the most effective of them:

"Bepanten." Ideal for skin cell regeneration. Quickly relieves inflammation in burns. Apply to skin twice daily.


"Zinc ointment". Eliminates irritation and relieves skin inflammation. Forms a protective coating that protects the skin from exposure to irritants. The ointment is applied to dry skin four to six times a day. You can apply bandages. Do not allow the ointment to get into your eyes or onto open wounds, if any. The cheapest price, you can buy it at any pharmacy.


"Bioflorin". Anti-inflammatory agent (cream) with a bactericidal and analgesic effect. After application, a protective layer is formed. At the same time, pain sensations are reduced. Apply to damaged skin several times a day. There are no contraindications.


"D-Panthenol". Relieves inflammation after mild thermal burns. The cream is applied in a thin layer, lightly rubbing in, two to four times a day, more often if desired. A very effective remedy. Available in the form of ointment, cream and aerosol. There are many positive reviews about it on the Internet. The only contraindications are allergic reactions to the components. Read the ingredients in advance.


"Fenistil" (gel). It has anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. The gel begins to act within 5-10 minutes. Quickly relieves inflammation and reduces pain. The effect after application lasts from one to four hours. The gel must be applied twice a day to the affected areas of the skin. If a large part of the skin is damaged, for example, the entire back or stomach, then in addition to the gel, doctors recommend taking Fenistil tablets.


Ointment "Cinaflan". Relieves inflammation and promotes cell regeneration. Rub onto affected areas of skin pre-treated with an antiseptic twice a day. The ointment can be used with bandages for three to four days. Cheap price.


Actovegin ointment. Increases energy metabolism, which promotes faster healing of affected skin areas and relieves inflammation. The ointment is taken throughout the recovery period. Daily use – at least twice. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer. Use during lactation and pregnancy is not allowed. Other contraindications include individual intolerance to some components of the drug.


Psilo-Balm. Apply a thin layer to skin damaged by sunlight up to four times a day, lightly smearing. During treatment, try to avoid exposure to sunlight. Also avoid drinking alcohol. Use during pregnancy is not recommended.


Dexpanthenol. Used for thermal burns. The ointment accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and normalizes their metabolism. Apply to damaged areas two to four times a day, or more often. The skin must be treated with an antiseptic before applying the ointment to it. Contraindications – individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


How to prevent burns

In order not to spoil your vacation, you need to in advance do everything to prevent burns. How to do it? Before you go sunbathing, apply a protective sunscreen of a certain level of protection to your skin.

What level of protection cream is right for you?

There are three degrees of protection:

  1. SPF up to 10. For people who have “naturally” dark skin;
  2. SPF 10-25. Suitable for those people who need little time for a full tan, as well as those who have already spent several days in the sun;
  3. SPF from 30 to 50 Suitable for those with light and pale skin, as well as particularly sensitive ones.

Review of strong sunscreens SPF 50 for the face and against age spots.

The higher the protection index, the longer the time you can spend in the open sun without fear. In practice, most often in the first and subsequent days they use creams with a degree of protection of 10 and 15 - these are the best options for central Russia. For southern regions, choose products with a high protective factor of 20, 25 or 30.


  1. The maximum period of sun activity is from 10 a.m. to three p.m. At this time, it is better to avoid visiting the beach, as there is a high risk of getting burned soon;
  2. When walking under the scorching sun, wear long sleeves and hats;
  3. When going to the beach, take a special umbrella with you that will protect you from direct sunlight;
  4. Cool off in the sea periodically.

Important. It would be useful to remind you once again: see contraindications for use. Check to see if your medications contain ingredients to which you are allergic.

Use the tips given here, and then you won't have to wait several days for recovery. Have a nice holiday!

In the next article, we'll look at the best sunscreens - how to protect your skin from the sun in advance.

Sunburn - This is a skin injury that symptomatically resembles a thermal burn, but has a different nature. The damaged area of ​​the body turns red, slightly swells, becomes hot and very sensitive to touch. With deeper damage, the skin swells with watery blisters, the victim feels a strong burning sensation, pain, chills, and body temperature rises.


Photo 1. Long exposure to the sun leads to burns. Source: Flickr (Tigertosser)

What is a sunburn?

Sunburn is the result of prolonged and intense exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Such damage can be obtained not only on the street, but also through artificial irradiation - in a solarium or from therapeutic quartz treatment.

Note! Excessive passion for tanning threatens the future development of malignant processes in the dermis. In a person who has had episodes of sunburn at least once in his life, the risk of developing melanoma increases significantly.

What are sunburns?

Damage caused by UV rays is superficial. There are 3 types of sunburn:

  1. Minor burn – the skin turns red 2-4 hours after irradiation. There is a moderate burning sensation and pain. The touch of clothes on the body is unpleasant. Such damage goes away on its own within 2-3 days and does not require special treatment. The victim is recommended to protect the skin from mechanical influences; clothing should be cotton and soft. To alleviate the condition, you can use folk remedies.
  2. Moderate burn. The upper layer of the epidermis burns completely and swells with bubbles. The victim feels a strong burning sensation, pain, malaise, weakness, and body temperature rises. It is impossible to touch the site of injury, movements are constrained due to pain and tightness.
  3. Severe sunburn occur infrequently. However, such skin damage is characterized by a long, severe course, since a large area of ​​the skin is injured. In these cases, home treatment is unacceptable - you must seek qualified medical help.

Note! Sunburns heal painfully. The use of special medications accelerates regeneration, improves well-being and prevents possible infection of damaged areas.

Treating sunburn at home

The effect of sun rays on the skin is insidious in that it does not appear immediately. If on a sunny day you notice redness of the skin, you should immediately go indoors or, as a last resort, hide in the shade.

First aid for sunburn

Recommended to the victim chill (not cold) shower, which will relieve pain and cool an overheated body. This measure helps prevent heat stroke. Showers can be replaced with cool compresses.

To alleviate the general condition, you can take paracetamol, Nurofen or a pill acetylsalicylic acid. Medicines will relieve some of the pain and lower body temperature.

Note! Reddened skin should absolutely not be lubricated with sour cream or fatty kefir. This will only make the situation worse.

If blisters appear on the skin, you can only use anti-inflammatory topical medications such as Panthenol, Solcoseryl or Bepanten in the form of sprays or light gels.

Further treatment will depend on the severity of the burn.

With individual sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, the reaction to the sun manifests itself in the form of allergic rashes. Most often, these are hives that appear on the back of the arms, neck and chest.

Sunburn Remedies

The pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of ointments, gels, creams and sprays that have anti-inflammatory properties, improve processes regeneration skin, protect And soften damaged areas of the dermis.

Folk experience has also accumulated many effective recipes for treating such injuries.


The essence of therapy is protection against infection and acceleration of regeneration processes.


Photo 2. When going to the beach, you need to put pre- and after-tanning products in your first aid kit. Source: Flickr (Kenga86)


Specially developed ointment for the treatment of superficial lesions. The ointment contains 5% dexpanthenol – active ingredient, which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin B5. The ointment has a light structure, quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and replenishes missing collagen.

Use of the drug promotes skin cell restoration, improves metabolism of the damaged area, prevents inflammation and swelling. It is recommended to lubricate the burn 2-4 times. Permitted for use from infancy. There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

Zinc ointment

The use of zinc ointment to treat sunburn is justified if the integrity of the skin is compromised. Its use is effective dries damaged areas, preventing the formation of exudate.

The ointment consists of petroleum jelly with zinc oxide. When applied, it is not absorbed, but covers the wounds with a durable protective film.

The drug should not be applied to infected wounds, since the dense structure of the ointment promotes the growth of bacteria. It is not advisable to use ointment to treat minor burns.


Pharmacies offer Eplan in the form of liniment, cream or napkins soaked in a medicinal solution. Active substance - glycolan (organic complex of lanthanum salts). The drug does not contain antibiotics, hormonal substances, or analgesics. Protects the wound from infection, nourishes, softens tissues. Promotes effective restoration of the integrity of the dermis.

Eplan has no contraindications for use. Available without a prescription. Directions for use: lubricate the affected area as needed, leaving until completely dry.


For topical use, the drug is available in the form of a gel or emulsion. Active substance: dimethindene maleate. Fenistil is intended to relieve allergy and irritation symptoms. The light texture and rapid action of the drug are indispensable for first aid - relieving itching, burning, swelling.

For sunburn, it is preferable to use an emulsion - its soft, moisturizing texture cools and softens damaged skin.

Note! The skin on which Fenistil-gel is applied must be protected from UV rays.

Fenistil is not recommended for children under one year of age. Pregnant women are prohibited in the first trimester. When treating large areas of skin, a sedative effect may occur.

Vinilin (Shostakovsky Balm)

The balm is a liquid for the treatment of wounds, burns. Active substance: polyvinox. Vinylin is applied directly to the skin or using applications with a solution.

The drug may cause an allergic reaction. Before use, it is recommended to do a test on the inside of the forearm.


It is a biogenic stimulant produced from calf's blood. Used to treat damaged skin. Means restores tissue, improves local oxygen supply, reduces the formation of exudate.

Note! Solcoseryl is prohibited for use as a medicine for humans in the USA, Canada and Western Europe. The use of the gel is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children and people prone to allergic reactions.


Bepanthen cream – antiseptic with a pronounced regenerating effect. Active ingredients: dexpanthenol, chlorhexidine hydrochloride. When purchasing from a pharmacy chain, a prescription is not required. Approved for use without restrictions, with the exception of individual allergic reactions. For burns, lubricate damaged skin 2-3 times a day.


Photo 3. Before applying the ointment to visible areas of the body, you need to test it on the crook of your elbow. Source: Flickr (cutis beauty)


Gel with local antiallergic effect. Active substance: diphenhydramine hydrochloride. When applied to a burned area, it relieves pain, heat, swelling, itching and redness. Symptomatic treatment is carried out up to 4 times a day.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Spray for the treatment of burns. Effectively relieves pain, burning, inflammation. Has a pronounced regenerating effect. Includes: fish oil, linetol, tocopherol, anesthesin. Treatment is carried out once a day.


The dosage form is an aerosol. Contains sea ​​buckthorn oil, chloramphenicol, benzocaine. Fast relieves pain burn, relieves inflammation, prevents infection of damaged skin. Sea buckthorn oil softens and promotes skin restoration.

Olazol is recommended for the treatment of moderate to severe extensive burns. There are no contraindications for use, except for individual sensitivity.


An ointment that contains as an active ingredient mixture of 3 vitamins A, D, E. Acts like restorative And improving local trophism means. It is recommended to lubricate the damaged surface of the body 2 times a day until complete healing.

Be careful when taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using the product.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil softens and soothes the skin, relieves tightness, heat and inflammation. It has a weak antibacterial effect, preventing the surface from becoming infected. It has no contraindications for use.

Sea buckthorn oil can be bought at a pharmacy, but traditional medicine counts this remedy among its proven recipes. For the treatment of burns, folk healing experience offers other effective recipes.

Folk remedies

Traditionally, a burnt back is smeared with fermented milk products - sour cream, yogurt, kefir. But official medicine does not recommend using such therapy. Mild burns go away on their own, and smearing blisters of severe injuries with fat only contributes to infection of the affected skin, especially considering that today they include various additives, such treatment can only cause swelling of the soft tissues and aggravate the situation.

From the arsenal of medicinal folk remedies effective in treating sunburn:

  1. Aloe juice. It should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and lubricated with the damage solution. You can make lotions. Aloe juice disinfects the surface and accelerates healing.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from raw potatoes A good remedy for soothing inflamed skin and relieving puffiness.
  3. Camomile tea. A solution of brewed chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, mild bactericidal and soothing effect. You can treat your skin with this product as many times as you see fit. For extensive burns, it is good to take baths at room temperature with chamomile infusion.
  4. Oak bark. An infusion of oak bark is prepared as follows: place 1 tablespoon of bark in a glass of boiling water and leave until it cools. Used as a skin lotion.
  5. Tea. Tea brewing is as calming as oak bark, relieves inflammation and reduces swelling. Rub the reddened skin with strong tea several times a day.

Note! Traditional recipes are effective for mild sunburn. If the skin is swollen with blisters, then it is better to entrust the treatment to medications.

Preventing sunburn

Avoiding sunburn is important not only because it causes discomfort and worsens your appearance.

It is important! Prevention of excessive skin exposure to UV rays is important for maintaining health and preventing cancer pathologies. Ultraviolet radiation can trigger a lot of unwanted changes in the body, so a person should be protected from excess sunlight from childhood.

Rules for preventing sunburn:

  1. You should not be in the open sun during its peak activity - from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  2. Remember that clouds and being in water do not protect you from UV rays, since they are easily transmitted.
  3. Exposed areas of the body should be lubricated with sunscreen.

Remember that sunburn does not appear immediately, but only after several hours. Excessive efforts to get a beautiful tan can lead to pigmentation, wrinkles and solar urticaria.

Burns caused by excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, in addition to unbearable pain, are very dangerous for humans, not only due to the negative impact on the skin surface of the body, but also the risk of serious diseases.

External damage to the skin leads to redness, blisters and even open wounds.

Most often, if a person is negligent in observing safety rules in the sun, ultraviolet rays affect areas of the body unprotected by clothing: the back, arms, legs, neck, face.


Ointments for sunburned skin will help relieve irritation, redness and restore skin

Such injuries are not life-threatening, but can cause harm to health.

In case of the above problems with the sun, every person should always have sunburn ointments in their home medicine cabinet, which have a restorative effect on the skin and have an analgesic effect.

First aid for sunburn

If your body is burned, you should know what steps you can take to provide first aid:

First aid How to use
Use of medications Apply ointment for sunburned skin
Cooling Burnt Skin Apply water compresses to damaged skin using damp (and most importantly sterile) gauze.
Take cool showers several times throughout the day
Herbal lotions Wipe the body with fresh aloe juice or herbal decoction
Using traditional methods Using homemade recipes for burns (using cold sour cream or kefir)

Also There are a number of rules that will help relieve unpleasant pain symptoms, redness on the skin and prevent the appearance of blisters:

  1. The victim must be transferred to the shade or under a canopy so that the sun's rays do not fall on the body. The best option is to go to a cool room.
  2. You should drink as much chilled water as possible (not ice cold). This will help avoid dehydration.
  3. A cool shower will relieve skin tightness. You should take it as often as possible.
  4. If there is pain, you need to use ibuprofen or analgin.
  5. Ointments and creams for burns will also relieve discomfort and moisturize dry, burnt skin.
  6. If the burn is large enough, you should consult a doctor.

Having done all the above steps, it is possible to achieve an improvement in your well-being, but sunbathing in the next 3 days is not recommended.

Effective ointments and creams for sunburn

Ointments or creams for sunburned skin should occupy the “main place” in a travel first aid kit. Before you go on a summer vacation, you need to make sure that such a drug is present among your medications. It is best to purchase it at a pharmacy.

The most effective remedies for skin burns are the following drugs.

Bepanten and D-Panthenol

Both products are available in the form of ointments, creams, lotions and sprays. Bepanten and D-Panthenol are similar in composition. Dexpanthenol is the main component of the preparations, accelerates the healing of burnt skin, moisturizes and softens it. The composition is quickly absorbed without leaving any greasy residue.


The preparations also consist of excipients, such as: beeswax, almond oil, liquid paraffin, lanolin, cetyl alcohol. All of them protect against infections, promote rapid healing, and eliminate inflammatory processes in the skin.

Bepanten and D-panthenol can be used for chemical and thermal burns, as well as sunburn, diaper dermatitis, diaper rash and skin irritations.

The preparations are applied in a thin layer to the damaged surface. If the sunburn is mildly red, it is best to treat it with a cream, lotion, or foam spray.

The surface should be treated 2 times over 3-4 days. For burns of more serious complexity, ointments or creams are used. It is necessary to carry out treatment procedures for 5–8 days.


Elovera ointment

The ointment is based on two active ingredients: vitamin E and aloe Barbados (leaf juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.5).

The auxiliary composition of the drug consists of liquid paraffin, glycirol, cetyl alcohol, purified water, triethanolamine, glycerin (monostearate) and other chemical elements.

The ointment improves cellular metabolism, promotes tissue regeneration, and prevents the appearance of scars and roughness. Used to treat skin cracks, sunburn, dermatitis of various forms, psoriasis, eczema.

Damaged areas of the body are treated with a thin layer of Elavera ointment 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 12 days, further use is determined by the doctor.


Zinc ointment (zinc oxide)

The composition of zinc ointment includes: zinc oxide (in powder form) and medical petroleum jelly (in a ratio of 10:100). This ratio allows you to maintain the healing effect of the ointment and not dry out the skin.

The drug dries and heals cuts, wounds, various types of irritation, diaper rash, and sunburn.

Thanks to zinc, which is part of the ointment, the action of sunlight is blocked, which allowed the drug to establish itself as a remedy for skin burns. In addition, the composition envelops the affected areas with a protective film and reduces pain.

The drug can be used up to 6 times a day. It should not be combined with decorative cosmetics or applied to mucous surfaces. The course of treatment can last from 7 to 10 days.

Dermatologists note that ointments and creams for sunburn should not be applied to areas of skin with blisters.

Solcoseryl ointment

Solcoseryl ointment is a substance that stimulates the affected areas of the skin to heal quickly. Available in the form of gel, ointment and solution.

It is based on an extract from the blood of young calves, as well as various low-molecular cellular substances. To treat dry wounds, sun and thermal burns, and frostbite, only ointment is used.

The ointment must be applied to clean, dried and disinfected skin. The damaged area is treated with a thin layer of the substance no more than 2 times a day. You can cover the top with a gauze bandage, but do not tighten it tightly.


Use until the skin is completely restored. If the burns are of a high degree, the ointment is recommended to be used in combination with intravenous injections of Solcoseryl.

Actovegin ointment

Actovegin ointment is one of the drugs that has no contraindications; its composition effectively heals burns of any degree, wounds, cuts, abrasions, all possible dermatological damage and inflammation of the skin.

The composition of the medicinal ointment includes:

  1. purified water,
  2. white paraffin,
  3. cetyl alcohol,
  4. cholesterol,
  5. amino acids,
  6. low molecular weight peptides,
  7. propylparabent,
  8. serum from the blood of young calves,
  9. methylparabent.

Actovegin ointment is used for healing and regeneration of the skin after burns of varying degrees of complexity. Its composition seems to “read the victim’s DNA” and allows damage to be restored in a short time. Relieves inflammation, eliminates redness on the body, improves the overall tone of skin tissue.

Ointment for external use. Apply a thin layer to sun-damaged skin 2 times a day. The maximum course of treatment is up to 12 days.

Dermatologists recommend using Actovegin ointment in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs.


The base of the ointment includes: propylene glycol, citric acid, ethanol, trolamine, petroleum jelly, mineral water, auxiliary substances that promote rapid healing of wounds and burns of 1st and 2nd degrees (including solar ones). The main component of the drug is flucinolone acetonide.

Flucinolone is used to treat inflammatory processes of the skin, dermatitis, eczema, and burns of various forms.

For the treatment of skin burns, a general course of treatment is prescribed from 7 to 25 days (depending on the degree of damage). It is necessary to apply 3 times a day by lightly rubbing into the surface. The composition is applied to small areas of the skin, without blisters.

The drug is not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age. Also, do not lubricate the entire body with ointment.

Radevit ointment

Skin ointments and creams that contain vitamins and minerals are often used for sunburn. They have become popular today because they do not contain hormones. One of these drugs is Radevit ointment.

It contains vitamins A, E and D2. Together, they renew the cellular composition of the skin, promote regeneration, improve appearance, prevent dehydration, and normalize metabolism.

Radevit ointment is intended for the treatment of sun and thermal burns of varying degrees, dermatitis, skin cracks, psoriasis and erosions of the mucous membrane. The drug is also used to soften dry and keratinized skin.

Very often, cosmetologists advise using ointment to treat heels and elbows to prevent their peeling.


For medicinal purposes, the ointment is used 2-3 times a day for a week. For cosmetic and preventive actions, apply once a day (until dryness disappears).


The main substances that make up Sudocrem are: zinc oxide, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzonate, lanolin, benzyl cinnamate. Together, they help relieve inflammation on the skin, relieve pain and dry the resulting burns.

Among the excipients are paraffins (solid and liquid), citric acid, lavender oil, synthetic wax, water with a mineral composition.

Apply the ointment only to the affected areas of the skin. Due to its composition, it can be used to treat diaper rash in newborns. If the drug is applied to a burnt area of ​​skin, the appearance of blisters can be avoided in the future.


Sudocrem should be spread over the damaged area in a thin layer. Use 2 times a day until the skin is completely restored. Do not use on mucous membranes of the body.


The drug contains combined substances that allow rapid healing of sunburn. Among them: furacillin, anesthesin, syntomycin and purified water.

The ointment is used for external use. The product is intended for both adults and children over 2 years old.

Fastin is used to treat sun and thermal burns, purulent wounds. The drug is applied to a gauze bandage, which is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body. The course of treatment for sunburn is from 7 to 10 days. Change the bandage with ointment 2 times a day.

What not to do if you get a sunburn

The main rule to remember is that you should not apply sunburn ointments directly to the affected areas of the skin.

Also Not recommended:

Use alcohol formulations on damaged skin areas Such drugs will further aggravate the victim’s condition and dry out the damaged surface.
Treat your body with products that contain natural or artificial fats Do not treat burns with oils. They clog pores and prevent the skin from getting enough oxygen. This disrupts blood circulation in the capillaries
Wash burned areas with soap, shower gel or scrubs Alkaline compositions of cosmetics irritate damaged areas of the body
Puncture blisters that form after a burn Thus, an infection can occur and the burn will progress to the stage of a purulent skin disease
Rub your skin with ice cubes Cold water tightens burnt skin on the body

Ointments used for sunburn should certainly be present in every first aid kit to improve the condition of the skin and relieve inflammation.

An anti-burn drug should be selected individually, based on the characteristics of a person’s skin. With their help, you can restore a healthy appearance to burnt areas and prevent further complications. The drugs are affordable to a wide range of consumers.

Ointments for sunburned skin - rules of choice:

Effective folk remedies for treating sunburn: