
A wheelchair is a device for independently moving a patient in a sitting position, which is a chair on three wheels driven by the patient’s hands.

Wheelchairs are used by people with physical disabilities, such as paraplegia, to be able to move independently. The design of a wheelchair includes a seat, backrest, armrests, footrests and wheels. The seat and backrest are usually soft to ensure comfort when sitting in the chair for a long time.

There are various modifications of wheelchairs - active for self-control and passive, which are driven by another person. There are also folding models for easy transportation. Modern wheelchairs are made of lightweight and durable materials, can be adjusted for an individual fit and have various additional accessories.

A wheelchair is one of the most effective and accessible means of self-care for people with limited mobility. This simple design allows a person with mobility difficulties to move independently and freely around the house, visit public places and carry out daily activities.

The wheelchair consists of a frame that supports the seat and backrest, three wheels, an adjustable base under the seat and ergonomic armrests. The design is intended for people of different heights and weights; it has the ability to adjust the tilt of the back and seat, which allows you to select a chair for the individual characteristics of the patient. The design of the chair itself is quite simple. It consists of several parts: the seat itself, the stand, the horseshoe-shaped “star”, the front and rear wheels. The seat should have an adjustable reclining mechanism.

Over the past decades, the wheelchair has undergone a number of changes. Samples appeared with fabric covering reinforced with a solid base. The soft finishing fabric allows air to pass through well so that there is no unpleasant odor from the shoes. The most vulnerable part of the stroller is the metal frame. In those distant times, such an item was used only for ceremonial exits from the gates of the house. And the defective nature of the device was immediately visible. Typically the material