Dietl S Crisis

Dietl S Crisis is an acute blockage of the upper ureter, causing severe pain in the lower back. A blockage may occur at the junction of the renal pelvis with the ureter, causing it to become distended by accumulated urine (see Hydronephrosis). Sometimes urine passes spontaneously, which reduces pain, but acute decompression of the kidney may require surgical removal of the blockage (pyeloplasty).

Dietl's crisis is a urological disease that occurs due to acute blockage of the upper ureter. This disease can cause severe pain in the lower back, which can spread to the lower abdomen and even extend to the groin area. Diet crisis can be caused by various reasons, such as stones in the genitourinary system, narrowing of the urinary tract, hydronephrosis and tumors. It is important to note that treatment for Dietl crisis may include both conservative therapy and surgery.

One of the most common causes of Ditil crisis is a stone in the upper ureter.

Dietle S Crisis is an acute complication of hydronephrosis that occurs due to acute blockage of the upper ureter, which connects the kidney to the bladder. This condition is characterized by sharp pain in the lumbosacral region and leads to stretching of the renal pelvis by urine accumulated there. As a result, urine spontaneously begins to leave the body, and the pain decreases. However, sudden removal of urine from the pelvis can lead to impaired blood circulation in the kidney and necessitate surgical intervention - pyeloplasty (surgery to restore patency of the urinary tract).

One of the main symptoms of Dietl's crisis is severe pain in the lumbar region. The pain can be sharp and appear in paroxysms, at intervals of several minutes. It can be quite severe and cause loss of consciousness and inability to carry out daily activities. Manifestations of this problem are especially pronounced when making sudden movements, tilting the body forward or to the sides. In the event of an intense pain attack, blood pressure may decrease, shortness of breath and palpitations may occur.

Dietl's crisis 1. Definition of the disease 1.1. Acute blockage (obstruction) or compression of the upper third of the ureter (urethra supirior), causing distension of the renal bladder and severe pain in the lower back, groin area and the front of the thighs.

2. Characteristics of the patient The clinical picture is characterized by pain along the entire course of the ureter, bladder, urethra, around the pelvis, and a symptom of anorexia. If left untreated, obstruction can lead to urinary retention and periurethritis.