Dolls From a Package

Package Dolls: A Simple and Creative Way to Entertain

Sometimes the most amazing toys can be created from the most ordinary items that are at hand. Dolls from a product package are one of the easiest and most fun ways to show your imagination and create unique gaming characters. In this article, we will tell you how to make a paper bag doll and give it your own personality.

To get started, we'll need a paper grocery bag and a little creative imagination. Take an empty bag and fill it with newspapers so that it takes the shape of a doll's body. Then twist the bag in the middle and tie it with twine or a rubber band. This will become your doll's neck.

To make the doll more durable and retain its shape, insert a rod inside the bag. This can be a plastic straw or any other safe object about twenty-five centimeters long. The rod will help