**Querulantism** is an outdated term in the sense of performing actions prescribed by law, understanding in advance legal liability or the impracticability of the law. In modern Russian, it is rarely used, mainly used to emphasize some “legal extremism” (upholding erroneous and outdated legal claims or blindly following the letter of the law to the detriment of the interests of society or a particular person).
In Russia, a synonym for the word “querulant” is ***obstinate, stubborn***, etc. in extended use: ***troublemaker, zealous bribe-taker***. Among the common nicknames of such persons in the literature of the past are mentioned: ***Quaker***, especially of the Protestant persuasion; ***church*** or ***monk***, who have not lived in a monastery for quite some time or do not belong to any monastic order at all. In a literal sense, queruhalts can be interpreted as people who claim to be obeyed by superiors or those who stand at a higher level of social subordination; they are jealous of their superiors and their subordinates; tend to command where it is inappropriate. This depends on the circumstances, gives rise to a hypertrophied sense of “professional responsibility”, pushing it above everything else, and at the same time making any kind of cooperation impossible, and the ability to perceive oneself as a “big man”, not to hear arguments and to outweigh the interlocutor in terms of weight (opinion). , views), such a person gives not always intentionally, but always subconsciously. If there is a desire to follow the trends of the authorities, then the speaker thereby becomes a ***conformist***, ***public figure***.
The literature of the Russian poet Ivan Rzhevsky is devoted to this: Queerlyaktnost is “feigned zeal” or the quality of people imitating “strict performance of official duties.” In contrast to ***lazy*** they are called ***zealous***; the concept is close to ***defaulters***, one of the typical types of which is the artisan, who went looking for work and became irresponsible. In continuation, you can call it “what accuracy brought to”: he took the money
Querulants are people who constantly complain about anything - work, family, neighbors, etc. Querulianism does not bring anything good either for the complainant himself or for the people around him, since complaints contribute to the unproductive waste of time of the complainer himself and the “consumer” of complaints. Moreover, the more they complain about each other, the less effective this process becomes. Therefore, it is so important to learn to communicate with each other correctly (without loud screams and complaints) in order to resolve any conflicts on the merits, without becoming personal and without turning into a quarrelsome person, and to be an example of how to solve problems in life.