
Kyphosis is a deformity of the spine, which is characterized by its backward bending with the formation of a hump on the back.

There are two main types of kyphosis:

  1. Localized kyphosis (Kyphos) is a protrusion of the spine in only one place, usually caused by collapse of the front of a vertebra. Most often it is a consequence of osteoporosis, tumor or tuberculosis.

  2. Diffuse kyphosis (Kyphosis) is a backward curvature of almost the entire spine with the formation of a hump. It can be mobile due to weakening of the back muscles or fixed due to pathological changes in the vertebrae.

The reasons for the development of kyphosis are varied - from poor posture to severe diseases of the spine. Physiotherapy, wearing corsets, and in severe cases, surgical correction of deformity are used for treatment. Mild kyphosis may not require treatment. With severe curvature, complications from internal organs and the nervous system may develop.

Kyphosis is a chronic disease of the spine, characterized by flattening, protrusion and the formation of a peculiar form of curvature of the lumbar and thoracic back, predominantly arched type. The causes of development are heredity, trauma, anatomical abnormalities of the skeleton. The diagnosis is made after instrumental diagnostics: X-ray, CT, MRI, classical physical examination can be used.

Skeletal kyphosis manifests itself in the form of pronounced morphological changes in the spinal column. Each of his bones is exposed to pathogenic processes. Deformation begins in adolescence, which is associated with uneven development of the thoracic vertebrae. This disease is mainly diagnosed in people aged 30-50 years. As a rule, these are women, since it is the fairer sex who become more bony with age due to hormones. Next in frequency of detection are men with degenerative changes in the ligamentous apparatus. Types of disease: Compensatory or fixed. This is a constant pathological effect on the spine under the influence of external and internal factors. Deformation can be identified before obvious signs of other diseases appear. The most common cases are kyphosis caused by congenital anomalies or poor posture. When such a hump occurs, there is no pain or discomfort, so it is difficult to recognize the pathology. Diagnostics is a method of random visualization on the Internet. Of the unpleasant symptoms, only pain in the heart is noted. There are also metabolic, or unstable, kyphosis. A characteristic feature is age-related changes that occur slowly with a simultaneous change in carbon metabolism in bones and cartilage tissue. If kyphosis is not treated in a timely manner, it will progress and irreversible deformation of the spinal column will occur, which will lead to disability. This form is less common. Purchased or mobile. This form of deformation of the sternum and sacrum after illness, injury, or age-related changes. Almost always the cause is osteochondrosis. The examination reveals severe pain when tapping the spinous areas of the vertebrae with your fingers. There are no other symptoms. Possible disturbances occur during movement. Total type. Initially developed