
L-prolines - dietary supplement, used as an additional source of L-lysine

Dietary supplement "L-PROLINE" (English L-proline) is intended to maintain the protein-synthetic function of the body.

As a source of L-proline, it can be used in specialized nutrition for patients who suffer from hypoproteinemia. First of all, this applies to children, as well as older people, in whom diseases of the musculoskeletal system often lead to muscular dystrophy. Also, one of the most common indications is sports injuries and increased sports loads. "L-proline" can be recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It is especially important for them to receive a sufficient amount of this essential protein, which is not synthesized in the body and does not come with food.

The main active ingredients of the dietary supplement "L-Proline" are amino acids - L-isoprolicin, L-2-pyrrolyline, L-diapyrroline and L-3-aminopyrroline. These are derivatives of proline, lysine, arginine and histidine. They enter the body in the form of separate compounds, where they are immediately involved in specific molecular reactions. L-Lysine is the most important component of protein structures; its role is precisely in creating the correct bonds between amino acids. Therefore, even the slightest imbalance of this element in the body can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole, and to failures in other protein metabolic processes. But this leads to a colossal change, in particular, in the functions of joints and bones. First of all, this is true for growing bodies, children of any age and pregnant women, but it must be said that the body of older people also suffers.

The human body is complex and diverse. It combines different fabrics and functioning systems. But one of the most important is muscle tissue. It is necessary for a person to live. With its help, all significant movements in our lives are accomplished, it participates in all types of activities, and makes our lives diverse. Therefore, it is not surprising that any problems in this important system negatively affect the quality of life of every person. Most often, a lot of drugs appear on the market that are designed to help strengthen joints and increase their mobility, support muscles and speed up their recovery. All these complexes should be taken for certain problems. And often difficulties arise due to the fact that our body, having exhausted its own reserves of glycogen during periods of intense stress, begins to use “minor” amino acids that are relatively unnecessary for the body. Therefore, there is a banal lack of necessary elements, as a result of which a person feels muscle weakness. After all, the body is forced to suspend the activity of a number of vital enzymes and mechanisms. As this problem progresses, it leads to chronic ailments of the joints and muscles, for example, deforming arthrosis