Label Ammonia

Label "Ammonia": Description and main characteristics

The "Ammonia" label is one of the consumables produced in Russia. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of products intended for medical use. This label has many synonyms such as "Product Report Form", "Keep Away from Fire Label", "Internal Label", "Glucose Eye Drops Label", "Eye Drops Label", "Glucose Eye Drops Label". 'Children'", "Label 'Nose Drops'", "Label 'Ointment'", "Label 'Vaseline Oil'", "Label 'Cough Syrup'".

The main producers of the "Ammonia" label in Russia are the company Voskhod. This label has the international name "Label" and is widely used in various medical drugs and products.

"Ammonia" is one of the common products that is often used for medical purposes. It has antiseptic properties and is widely used to treat wounds, burns and cuts. This alcohol can also be used to clean and disinfect tools and surfaces.

It is important to note that "Ammonia" is for external use only and is not intended for internal use. When using this product, you must follow all directions and precautions specified on the label and in the instructions for the drug.

The "Ammonia" label must contain information about the composition of the product, method of use, warnings and measures in case of accidents, as well as the manufacturer's contact information. This allows users to be informed about the product and ensures safe use.

In conclusion, the ammonia label is an important product in the healthcare industry. It has antiseptic properties and is widely used for wound treatment and disinfection. However, all instructions and directions on the label must be followed to use the product safely and effectively.