Zookoumarin With Starch 0.5%

Zookoumarin with starch 0.5% is a rodenticide intended to control rodents.

The main active ingredient is zoocoumarin - an anticoagulant that blocks the synthesis of vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting. When rodents eat the drug, they die from internal bleeding.

Zookoumarin in this preparation is contained in a concentration of 0.5%. Starch is used as a filler, which gives the product a taste that is attractive to rodents.

Zookoumarin with starch 0.5% is used to combat house mice and rats by placing poisoned baits in their habitats. Effective in both residential and industrial premises.

This drug has a cumulative effect - rodents die after repeatedly eating the bait. This reduces the risk of accidental poisoning of pets and humans.

In general, zoocoumarin with starch 0.5% is an effective and relatively safe rodenticide for controlling rodents in domestic conditions.