Laboratory Sanitary-Epidemiological Basic

The Basic Sanitary and Epidemiological Laboratory (abbreviated LSEB) is an institution that conducts research and analysis in the field of hygiene and epidemiology. This laboratory is one of the key elements of the health system as it helps to identify and control various diseases related to environment, nutrition and other factors.

LSEB was created in the USSR in 1922, when the first sanitary and epidemiological laboratory was launched in Moscow. Since then, these laboratories have become an integral part of the healthcare system in Russia and other countries. They carry out various studies, such as analyzing water, air, soil and other environmental objects.

One of the most important activities of LSEB is food quality control. Here, studies are carried out for the presence of harmful substances, bacteria and other microorganisms that can be dangerous to human health. Also, laboratories conduct research on the quality of drinking water and indoor air.

LSEB employs highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in this field. They conduct research on modern equipment, using the most advanced methods and technologies.

Thus, LSEB plays an important role in ensuring the safety and health of the population. It helps identify and prevent various diseases related to the quality of the environment, food and water.

Laboratory of sanitary and epidemiological basic (Laboratory of sanitary and hygienic control) - The historical name of the laboratory of the state service of sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the USSR Gospromnadzor in the RSFSR and in the Russian Federation.

Until 1992 – sanitary and hygienic control (Sangink), from 1967 to September 1984. – sanitary supervision (Sanitary Administration). In September