Life Formula Liv-Detox

Life Formula "Liv-Detox": Improving digestion and supporting liver function

Life formula "Liv-Detox" is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) designed to improve digestion processes and support the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. This product is manufactured by Pharma-Med in the United States of America and has received wide international recognition.

The main components of the Life-Detox formula are milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke and licorice. Each capsule contains 150 mg of milk thistle and 10 mg each of dandelion root, artichoke and licorice. These herbal ingredients are known for their beneficial properties on the digestive system and help support liver and gallbladder health.

Life formula "Liv-Detox" has a wide range of indications for use. Firstly, it is recommended to support the function of the liver and gallbladder without exacerbation of a chronic process. This is especially important for people suffering from chronic liver disease.

In addition, "Liv-Detox" can be useful for biliary dyskinesia and after foodborne toxic infections, viral intoxications and poisonings. This drug can also be effective in antibiotic therapy and long-term therapy for chronic diseases, since some medications can have a negative effect on the liver.

Lifestyle can also have a negative impact on the liver. Smoking, frequent drinking, drinking at home and occupational hazards can damage the liver over time. Life formula "Liv-Detox" can help support liver health in such conditions.

However, there are several contraindications to the use of the Life formula "Liv-Detox". First of all, it is not recommended in case of individual intolerance to the components of the complex. Also, you should not use Liv-Detox for acute hepatitis and cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, heart failure of II and III degrees, as well as hypertension of II and III degrees.

Side effects of the Life formula "Liv-Detox" have not been identified when the recommended doses are observed. Interactions with other medications are also unknown, and there is no information about overdose.

Life formula "Liv-Detox" does not have any special instructions for use and does not cause side effects if the dosage is observed.

Information about the Life formula "Liv-Detox" is based on the catalog of the company "Pharma-Med" for 2002/2003.

In conclusion, Life Formula Liv-Detox is a dietary supplement designed to improve digestive processes and support liver and gallbladder function. It contains milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke and licorice. The drug has a wide range of indications for use, but it has contraindications. Life formula "Liv-Detox" does not cause side effects when used correctly. It is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.

*Please note that the information in this article is based on data from the Pharma-Med catalog for 2002/2003. It is recommended to update information and consult with healthcare professionals for current recommendations and product data.