
Litmus is an indicator that is used in various fields, such as medicine, chemistry, physics, ecology, architecture and others. It is a pink powder that has the property of changing color depending on the acidity of the solution.

In chemistry, litmus is used to determine the melting point, to estimate the water and alkali content in solutions, and also to determine metal ions. In medicine, it is used to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. In architecture, litmus can be used to control water levels in building materials.

However, the use of litmus has certain risks associated with its safety during use. For example, if it comes into contact with the skin, the powder can cause irritation and inflammation. Therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to use special gloves and protective equipment. In addition, if litmus strips are not stored properly, the powder can turn into crystals, which can be hazardous to health.

One of the interesting facts about litmus is that its properties can change depending on the composition of the solution in which it is found. At the same time, a change in properties occurs even at a low level of acidity. It is also worth noting that depending on the concentration of the solution, the color of the litmus may change several shades from red to purple.