
Lactobacilli are one of the most famous and beneficial types of lactic acid bacteria. They get their name from their ability to utilize lactose, the main sugar found in milk.

Lactobacilli are often used in the production of dairy products such as yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese. They are the main lactic acid bacteria that convert lactose into lactic acid, which gives dairy products its characteristic taste and aroma.

However, lactobacilli are not limited to dairy production. They may also be beneficial to human health. Research shows that lactobacilli can boost immunity, improve digestion, and prevent the development of certain diseases.

Lactobacilli are considered probiotics, that is, live microorganisms that can have positive effects on human health. They can help restore normal intestinal microflora, which in turn can improve digestion and prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

Lactobacilli may also be beneficial for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Research shows that consuming foods containing lactobacilli may reduce the risk of allergies in children.

Despite all the beneficial properties of lactobacilli, we should not forget that they are not a panacea and cannot replace good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to consume foods containing lactobacilli in combination with other healthy foods and exercise.

Overall, lactobacilli are important microorganisms that can have positive effects on human health. They can be used not only in industry, but also as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.