
Laparotomy is a surgical operation in which an incision is made in the abdominal wall to gain access to the abdominal organs.

The term "laparotomy" comes from the Greek words "laparo", which means "abdominal wall", and "tome", which translates as "incision". A synonymous term is "chromectomy".

A laparotomy may be performed for diagnostic purposes to allow direct examination of the abdominal organs and take a biopsy. However, more often this operation is performed to perform surgical intervention on the abdominal organs - removing a tumor, opening an abscess, suturing a perforation, etc.

There are different types of access for laparotomy - median, transverse, oblique, etc. The choice of access depends on the purpose of the operation and the localization of the pathological process. After completion of the surgical intervention, the abdominal wall incision is sutured.

Laparotomy is one of the most common operations in abdominal surgery. The correct implementation of this procedure plays an important role in the successful treatment of diseases of the abdominal organs.

Laparotomy is an abdominal surgical intervention consisting of dissecting the anterior abdominal wall and creating a cavity (laparocele) for performing surgical procedures (for example, removing a tumor, stopping bleeding, creating an artificial opening for the outflow of fluid) from the abdominal cavity into the abdominal cavity or subdiaphragmatic space. Laparotomy access to the retroperitoneal space is used in cases where radical resection of the retroperitoneal organs is necessary. In general, laparotomy is used mainly in abdominal surgery. This is an outdated term. Instead of laparotomy, the term laparotomic access should be used.

Laparotomy (ancient Greek λαπάρους, from λαπός, that is, womb and τομή, that is, incision) is a surgical technique in the form of cutting the walls of the abdomen in order to expose its insides for examination, diagnosis or surgical intervention. This is the only name accepted by the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - FIGO.