Large-flowered cactus

Cactus Grandiflora: description, application and use in homeopathy

The large-flowered cactus, also known as the queen of the night or snake cactus, belongs to the cactus family (Cactaceae) and grows almost exclusively in the Americas - mainly in the deserts and semi-deserts of Mexico, Cuba, the southern United States and Jamaica. However, in tropical America, the queen of the night is widely cultivated for its large and bright flowers, which open only once a year at 9-10 pm in order to close at 2-3 am.

The Large-flowered cactus has rather thin, often curved lateral branches with 4-8 longitudinal ribs, which are seated with bunches of 6-8 long (up to 2 mm) spines, located at a distance of approximately 2 cm from each tier. The flowers are 18-25 cm long and, when opening, reach a diameter of 15-27 cm. They are brown-yellow on the outside and light yellow and white on the inside, surrounded by a tuft of thread-like anthers and have a strong vanilla scent.

Cactus Grandiflora is used for medicinal purposes in both official and homeopathic medicine. In homeopathy, this plant is used to treat heart neuroses, weakness of the heart muscle, feelings of pressure in the heart and angina pectoris. In addition, they are trying to use Cactus for digestive disorders with flatulence and spastic pain, as well as for painful menstruation.

The active ingredients of the cactus have not yet been studied much, but some studies report the presence of alkaloids, glycosides and various resins. However, the effect of the cactus appears to be due to the entire set of components.

The collection and preparation of the large-flowered cactus are used in homeopathy to prepare extracts. In Germany, huge quantities of this pharmaceutical raw material are grown in greenhouses, since the homeopathic original tincture must be prepared from freshly collected stems and flowers. In official medicine, when preparing extracts, imported material is also used, which is carefully examined beforehand, since often prickly pear (Opuntia vulgaris Miu) is supplied instead of the queen of the night.

Side effects of the homeopathic remedy Cactus are unknown, since homeopathic medicines are usually used in very high dilutions, at which the concentration of the active substance is very small. However, like any medicine, Cactus may cause allergic reactions in some people, so you should consult your doctor or homeopath before using homeopathic medicines.