Laryngitis (False Croup)

Laryngitis is an acute form of inflammation of the larynx, which can occur very similar to croup in children.

With laryngitis, a child may also suddenly wake up at night from a bout of barking cough and begin to choke, his face turns blue. However, laryngitis can be easily distinguished from croup by several characteristics:

  1. Croup mainly affects children under 1 year of age, and laryngitis can affect children of any age and even adults.

  2. With croup, the child has no respite; choking increases. With laryngitis, there are breaks in attacks, sometimes quite long.

To alleviate the condition of laryngitis, you need:

  1. Place a warm, damp bandage on your neck.

  2. Immerse the child's feet in warm water (about 32°C) for 20 minutes.

  3. Give warm milk with sugar or just sugar water to drink.

  4. Tickle your throat with your finger to induce vomiting and make breathing easier.

  5. Give expectorants and sedatives.

For older children and adults, it is recommended to drink the juice of fresh grated radish. It is harmless and can relieve the condition.

Thus, when symptoms resembling croup appear, it is important to carefully assess the situation and, if necessary, distinguish laryngitis from true croup in order to provide the correct help.