Cleaning the house

Cleaning the house

So, you had to stay home with a sick baby, and it ruined your plans. The office desk is littered with urgent papers, and there is also a long list of tasks that need to be dealt with at home. Trying to be on time everywhere, by the end of the day you feel completely overwhelmed. However, there is another way - to do only the necessary minimum of work and try to rest.

A day spent at home with your child will give you this opportunity. Find old records or cassettes and, to the sound of your favorite music, start cleaning the kitchen or doing something you've been putting off for a long time. Let your child help you by sitting on blankets and pillows on the floor. If he feels well enough, assign him some light work.

Remember that the point of a task is not to complete it as quickly as possible, but to have a good time doing something useful. If old tunes remind you of something from the past, tell your child some incidents from your life. Ask him what he liked the most.