Lautz Violet

Lauth's Violet is a narcotic substance obtained from the Vinca minor plant. Lautz violet, or dentin, is a vinu-synthetic psychotropic drug administered by injection. 5 drops contain 0.625 mg of active ingredient, 0.0419 g of distilled water. An important sign of the authenticity of layutsfiol is its pronounced taste.

The action of Lautz violet has many features. Taken orally in small doses 30 minutes before meals. Lauts violet solution is added 1-2 drops to tea (brewed in water saturated with energy), which is drunk without gas and sugar. By stimulating the body's natural defenses, a feeling of joy and pleasure is observed. Manic attacks, hallucinations often occur, and tactile sensitivity changes. The drug is not used in combination with thionin: the effect is enhanced, the person becomes indifferent to the world around him. It has a positive effect on the nervous system: after taking it, anxiety decreases and insomnia disappears - the condition does not improve, but a certain calm appears. It is taken in case of lack of appetite to improve metabolic processes and absorption of nutrients that were previously poorly manifested. However, in some cases it causes health problems, addiction and dependence due to prolonged use.