Learn shiatsu. Salvation is always in your hands

Learn shiatsu. Salvation is always in your hands.

What could be better than salvation, which is always with you?! These methods include shiatsu - a technique of pressing fingers on certain points on the body to obtain a healing effect.

On the path of self-healing

The Shiatsu system is based on the principle that the human body is a self-sufficient creation of nature. Our body has everything to ensure the “uninterrupted operation” of all organs and systems. It contains all the resources necessary for timely regeneration and recovery. This statement is confirmed by simple examples. When a foreign body enters the eye, a tear is immediately formed in order to immediately wash it out of the eye. If food accidentally enters the respiratory tract, a coughing attack immediately occurs to push the food out. In response to viruses and infections entering our body, we have our own method of defense - an increase in body temperature. And, of course, the fact that the skin recovers from wounds, cuts and other damage clearly and visibly indicates the same thing.

The body’s self-healing system works correctly because it not only eliminates the failure, but eliminates the very cause that led to the negative. Therefore, if, as a result of our not entirely correct life, the self-healing system “slips,” then any help to our body from the outside should be aimed at starting it up again. This way of returning to normal is the best (it is competent, effective, and reliable). This is the path that Shiatsu preaches.

Sleight of hand and no fraud

Shiatsu originated a long time ago in Japan, a country known for its spiritual culture and great medical traditions. The founder of shiatsu is considered to be the Japanese healer Tokuiro Namikoshi. Thanks to his efforts, shiatsu was talked about as a teaching, an art, and even a divine gift - the latter idea is apparently connected with the fact that healing with the help of shiatsu occurs as if by itself.

Shiatsu literally means: shi – fingers, atsu – pressure. In order to apply shiatsu you need your fingers, strength and energy concentrated in them, desire, faith and, of course, knowledge of the basics of the technique. By the way, a common phrase: “Don’t self-medicate!” not applicable in relation to shiatsu (sorry for the tautology). And all because shiatsu does not use artificial and foreign things, but exclusively natural and natural ones.

Arguments for doubters

Surely, there will be non-believers or doubters for whom it is not enough to call the method natural in order to convince them of its strength and effectiveness. Therefore, I will present the main arguments that convincingly and unconditionally testify in favor of shiatsu.

  1. Based on instincts. Observe yourself and you will trace the relationship between the shiatsu method and instincts. When experiencing discomfort in any place, we instinctively put pressure on that place. By the way, animals are also guided by the same instinct when they begin to lick the site of a bruise or wound (the tongue for them plays the role of human fingers). The essence of this instinct is to force blood to flow more actively into the damaged area in order to enhance metabolic processes there and mobilize the body for recovery.

  2. Manages energy. Our body lives with energy circulating through the vessels, from organ to organ. By the way, the syllable “shi” in shiatsu also means positive energy Qi, the stagnation of which leads to negative processes, and free circulation along energy meridians leads to harmony in the body. It is quite logical that by pressing on certain points where the energy has stagnated, we force it to move again, and thereby harmonize the entire body with Qi energy.

  3. Wide range of applications. In order not to compile a complete list of ailments for which shiatsu helps, suffice it to say – for almost all. We are talking about physical ailments, and bodily injuries, and about general well-being, and about imm.