Treatment of headaches caused by odors

As for headaches from fragrant odors, if they are hot and cause harm only by warmth, and not by dryness, headaches are treated with cold incense. So, for example, against the harm caused by sniffing musk and saffron, use camphor and sandalwood, and the harm caused by camphor is eliminated with musk and saffron; if fragrant odors are harmful, also causing dryness and dryness, then the treatment consists of not limiting yourself to, for example, camphor alone when eliminating the harm from musk. When it is also possible to help by introducing cooled moisturizing oils into the nose, then this is enough, but if not, then the oils are introduced with camphor diluted in them. The same applies in the opposite case.

Headaches arising from fetid odors are treated with fragrant odors, which are opposite in nature. If fetid odors are characterized by drying, then they try to ensure that the odors that counteract them are moisturizing, such as, for example, the strong smell of water lilies and violets. Pure oil of willow has an advantage over all other odors, counteracting fragrant or fetid odors, which harm by their warmth.