Betadine ointment for papillomas: instructions, price, reviews

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of Betadine
  2. Benefits of ointment
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of treatment of papillomas
  6. Real reviews about Betadine ointment

Betadine ointment is an antiseptic used to treat ailments caused by the penetration of fungal, bacterial and viral infections into the body. Also intended to combat tumors caused by the human papillomavirus.

Description and composition of Betadine

Betadine ointment for papillomas and warts

In the photo, Betadine ointment for papillomas

Betadine is a series of antiseptic drugs produced in the form of suppositories, solution and ointment. It is used in the treatment of bacterial, viral and fungal skin infections, burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, infectious dermatitis, abrasions, and wounds. Also used to treat tumors caused by HPV.

The ointment helps to cope with the following types of papillomas:

  1. Simple or vulgar warts. One of the most common types of tumors caused by HPV. They are mainly localized on the hands. Children of kindergarten and primary school age are most susceptible to them. They are isolated. Even if several warts appear nearby, they do not grow together into a single areola. Size from 1 mm to 1 cm, light color, structure with slight keratinization.
  2. Plantar warts or spines. They occur most often on the feet of the lower extremities, but can also affect the fingers and toes. They differ from other neoplasms in that they grow inward, not outward. Their formation is accompanied by large keratinization of the skin around and on the growth itself. The color is lighter than the epidermis on which they are located, but there are dark inclusions, which are thrombosed capillaries. Size - from 1 mm to several centimeters. Single, but several such warts may form nearby. They are an occupational disease of many athletes; they also often appear in people who visit swimming pools, public baths, saunas, and steam rooms.
  3. Filiform papillomas. They are long growths attached to the skin by a thin neck. Color varies from pale pink to dark brown. Size - from a couple of millimeters to a couple of centimeters. They are mainly located on the neck, under the chest, armpits, and on the back in the lumbar region. Women are more susceptible to this disease during the postpartum period and during hormonal changes.
  4. Condylomas acuminata. These tumors are most often located on the skin of the labia, glans penis and at the entrance to the anus. They are equally common in both men and women. The growths can be small from a couple of millimeters to quite large - 1 cm or more. This type of neoplasm is characterized by an areolar location. Areolas can occupy large areas of the epidermis, sometimes affecting the entire anogenital area, leaving no healthy areas of the epidermis. Mostly pale pink in color, soft, very traumatic.
  5. Flat or teenage warts. These papillomas do not grow upward, but in width. Their height, as a rule, does not exceed 1 mm. But they grow from 2 mm to 1 cm in width. They often appear in groups. It mainly affects teenage boys and girls.

Consistency of Betadine ointment for papillomas

The product is a potent drug due to its composition that actively affects the body. Betadine ointment for papillomas contains the following components:

  1. Povidone-iodine. A yellow or brown powdery substance. It has a slight odor of iodine, is highly hygroscopic, soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ethers and chloroforms. It is actively used in medical preparations in the form of ointments, solutions, and suppositories.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate. This substance is an acid salt of carbonic acid and sodium. Another name for the compound is baking soda. It is a fine crystalline white powder. It is actively used in the food industry and medicine. Included in preparations to neutralize burns of the epidermis and mucous membranes, as well as reduce acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Macrogol. This substance is most widely used in pharmacological preparations with laxative effects. Actively enhances peristalsis and increases pressure on the fluid contained in the intestine. These properties are used in products used in preparation for colon examinations. The epidermis uses the ability of the substance to remove excess moisture from the treated area.
  4. Purified water. Ultra-purified liquid to remove sediments and impurities. Used in dermatological products to balance the concentration of the active substance and provide a moisturizing effect on the skin.

The drug is a creamy brown substance. There may be a slight odor of iodine upon application. Packaged in metallized tubes with a volume of 20 g. The concentration of the active substance is 2 g/20 g, that is, 10% ointment. Packaged in a cardboard box, complete with instructions for use.

The price of Betadine is from 150 rubles in Russia and 83 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Analogs of Betadine - Iodixin, Yodocar, Povidone-iodine, Ruvidon.

  1. See also the description and composition of Acyclovir ointment

The benefits of Betadine ointment for papillomas

Tube with Betadine ointment for papillomas

The action of the drug is based on damage to the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses by the active substance. Iodine combines with their proteins, forming specific compounds - iodamines, which coagulate pathogens and destroy them.

Thanks to this process, it is possible to achieve the following effects from the use of Betadine:

  1. Antiseptic. Microorganisms located in the pathological focus are inhibited.
  2. Disinfectant. This helps prevent possible infection from entering the treated area.
  3. Antiviral. The drug fights papillomavirus, which has changed the structure of skin cells.
  4. Mummifying. The consequence of malnutrition in the tissues is the gradual drying out and detachment of the neoplasm.
  5. Exfoliating. After the processes described above, spontaneous detachment of the neoplasm occurs.
  6. Regenerating. Using ointment for wound healing helps to activate tissue regeneration at the site of tumor detachment. This eliminates the formation of scars in the treated area.

As the manufacturers note, the product also has antiprotozoal and antifungal properties. This helps to neutralize possible infection by fungal spreaders of illnesses and protozoa that contribute to the occurrence of dysentery, giardiasis, trichomoniasis and other diseases.

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Instructions for use of Betadine ointment for papillomas

How to use Betadine ointment for papillomas

Therapy with Betadine ointment is not as long-lasting as treatment with other drugs. This is due to the fact that an overdose of the active components of the drug can cause serious damage to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for using this drug, do not skip treatments and apply the product with caution.

Despite the fact that the use of ointment does not imply protective treatment of healthy skin around the papilloma, you should still avoid getting Betadine on it.

Before using the product, it is necessary to carry out the standard preparatory stage. It consists of cleaning the application site from dirt using warm water, mild soap and drying the skin with a terry towel or gauze bandage. Also, if spines with extensive keratinization are to be removed, you need to steam the neoplasm in warm water and remove as much dead skin from the treated area as possible.

Instructions for use of Betadine

  1. Remove the metallized tube from the box and make sure that the drug is hermetically sealed.
  2. Squeeze out a small amount of the product and use a cotton swab or toothpick to apply evenly to the tumor.
  3. Let the product absorb.

If the tumor is located in a place that is subject to mechanical stress, for example, on the foot, it is permissible to seal the treated area with a bactericidal plaster or apply a loose gauze bandage.

When treating large tumors with extensive keratinization, it is recommended to apply the product 2-3 times a day for no more than 14 days. If the tumor is small, a single treatment per day is recommended.

For preventive purposes, if you feel itching in the area where the warts were previously located and suspect that new ones may form, apply the product once a day for 7 days.
  1. Read also the instructions for using Stefalin ointment for papillomas

Contraindications to the use of Betadine ointment

Kidney failure in a man

The drug is able to actively influence the human body, even if external forms of the drug are used. Therefore, when treating with ointment, you need to be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions of Betadine.

The product is contraindicated for use by patients with the following ailments:

  1. Allergy. It is especially worth paying attention to this for those who suffer from iodine intolerance or hypersensitivity to it.
  2. Thyroid dysfunction. If you have any disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, it is imperative to coordinate the use of this remedy with an endocrinologist. Particular attention should be paid to people with diseases of nodular colloid goiter, endemic goiter, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
  3. Dermatological diseases. In particular, this concerns herpes-like inflammation of the epidermis - Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis.
  4. Kidney failure. This concerns the long-term use of a drug designed to remove a large number of papillomas.

In addition, the use of the ointment is not recommended in patients receiving medical therapy with lithium. After using Betadine, it is recommended to conduct studies of thyroid function.

As prescribed by a doctor, the drug is used in children, but it is recommended to use the lowest possible dose of the drug. The duration of therapy is set to the shortest possible.

The decision to use a povidone-iodine-based product in pregnant women and nursing mothers should be made by a gynecologist together with a pediatrician. According to studies, no harm has been recorded to the fetus during pregnancy or to the child during short-term use of the ointment. However, the active substance is able to cross the placental barrier and enter into milk, so these drugs should be used with caution.

According to Betadine's instructions, the drug is well tolerated. But this does not exclude possible side effects. The use of the ointment may be accompanied by skin irritation, burning sensation, itching, contact dermatitis, in which psoriasis-like small red bullous elements may form. These conditions do not require additional medical therapy.

It is recommended to seek medical help for the following changes: itching, changes in thyroid function, metallic taste, burning or pain in the mouth, excessive salivation, swelling of the eyes, breathing problems, increased sodium in the blood, impaired kidney function.

  1. See also contraindications and side effects of Salicylic ointment

Results of treatment of papillomas with Betadine ointment

Results of treatment of papillomas with Betadine ointment

The photo shows the results of treatment of papillomas with Betadine ointment

Despite the fact that Betadine has antiviral properties and is able to strengthen local immunity, which has a positive effect on the treatment of tumors caused by HPV, doctors rarely prescribe this drug to combat papillomas directly. More often, the ointment is used as an antifungal, antiseptic and wound-healing drug.

In this regard, there is no exact data on its effectiveness and duration of action. You can form an opinion only on the basis of patient reviews, of which, unfortunately, there are not many.

According to them, papillomas can be treated with ointment. Small tumors go away within a week after the start of therapy; larger and older growths take up to 2 weeks to combat.

Since an overdose of the drug is fraught with complications from certain systems and organs, if 2-week therapy does not produce results, it is recommended to stop treatment and consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.
  1. Read also about the results of treatment of condylomas and warts with Aldara cream

Real reviews about Betadine ointment for papillomas

Reviews about Betadine ointment for papillomas

Betadine has quite a lot of reviews on the Internet. However, they mainly concern therapy not related to the fight against tumors caused by HPV. Here are a few patient opinions.

Olga, 24 years old, Izhevsk

My husband and I decided to take responsibility for planning our pregnancy. Together we took many tests, including for papillomavirus. He had no growths on his body, but I had several condylomas in the anus area. The gynecologist advised to remove these growths, since their presence may serve as a reason for delivery not by natural means, but by cesarean section. Of course, I was very scared, so I started treatment. I used oral antiviral drugs, and as an external remedy, the doctor recommended Betadine ointment with a broad spectrum of action, which is a good prophylactic against many sexually transmitted infections. I took the pills for a month and used the cream for 2 weeks. During this time, I managed to completely recover from genital warts in the rectal area.

Dmitry, 38 years old, Saratov

As prescribed by the urologist, I used ointment to fight a fungal infection. I read in the instructions that the product also has an antiviral effect. On the forums I found reviews about Betadine for papillomas. It was noted that this ointment can be used to remove warts. Since I had an old thorn on the sole of my right foot, I decided to try it. At the very beginning, I steamed my leg well and cut off all the hard skin and the white ridge around the wart. I treated it with ointment and sealed it with a band-aid. The next day, I removed the patch, cut off the dead skin with scissors, and again applied the ointment and sealed it. I did this for 10 days. The hole deepened more and more. I read that the spine grows inward and this is normal. For another week I just applied ointment without covering it with a band-aid. The spike was eliminated. It took about another month for the skin to even out, but it did not cause any discomfort.

Ekaterina, 38 years old, Moscow

After an appointment with a gynecologist, I bought Betadine suppositories to solve my female problems. Along the way, I asked the doctor what to do with the papillomas that formed on the neck after childbirth. She recommended undergoing treatment with suppositories and after that returning to this issue. I will say right away that the treatment was not entirely comfortable. The candles made me feel burning and dry. True, this was after using the first few suppositories. Then the situation improved, and I felt relief in terms of my female diseases. Interestingly, 2 weeks after using the suppositories, I noticed that from Betadine, the papillomas on my neck began to darken and shrink. Gradually some of them fell off. I removed the remaining ones with ointment from the same series.

  1. Read also real reviews about the Clareol gel for papillomas and warts

How to use Betadine - watch the video:


This remedy is not specialized in the treatment of papillomas, although it shows certain dynamics in the fight against neoplasms. It is advisable to use the drug as part of complex therapy or in the concomitant treatment of other ailments for which the drug has direct indications for neutralizing.

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