Treatment of hot blood tumor

First of all, you should look at the degree of congestion, what the state of strength and age of the patient is, the time of year and other circumstances, the essence of which you know, and decide whether they allow you to perform bloodletting. You bleed, if possible, from the basil, if not, then from the black vein, and if not, from the mullet; if the strength is significant, you take as much blood as you need at one time, and if not, you divide and split it into several times. Know that if you do not bleed, but leave the matter in the liver and begin to use astringents and distractors, the tumor will almost harden, and if you use solvents, then the pain in the tumor will almost rise. Let the blood flow first of all, without limiting yourself in this, if there is no strong obstacle, and bring it out in copious quantities. Know that at the beginning of the disease you need to cause the diversion of juices and cooling, as is required according to the rules in such cases, but your duty is to beware of the hardening of the tumor: how quickly it can harden! Therefore, diverting drugs must be mixed with diluting and opening agents; Excessive use of cold ointments often leads to hardening. Sometimes, for a tumor to open, it is enough to go to the bathhouse, but sometimes it opens into the kidneys. Know that many medicines, which are characterized by a somewhat astringent property and coldness, as well as nutrients with a similar quality, for example, pomegranates, pears, apples, often cause harm in another respect: namely, they narrow the passage leading to the gall bladder, so that yellow bile does not ooze, and this increases the swelling and causes great harm. When binding, “although it cannot be avoided, at the beginning of the disease, as well as at the end of it, when it is necessary to dissolve in order to preserve strength, you can be afraid of two things: the formation of hardenings and the retention of yellow bile in it. Therefore, you should be more hasty in using absorbable agents for this disease, than you rush for other tumors.This is necessary for fear that petrification and hardening will form, and also to expel possibly leaked malignant pus, the leakage of which is inevitable with hot tumors.

However, dissolution and opening sometimes relaxes the forces and brings death closer, as Galen says, speaking about one doctor. This doctor treated liver tumors with relaxing medicines used against other tumors, for example, dressings prepared from olive oil and wheat with water, and fed the patient spelled, whereas he should have been fed substances with a cleansing property in the absence of viscosity and thickness and mixed with dissolving medicines astringent, strengthening and fragrant substances, for example, sati, fragrant reed and wormwood. These substances should be used in such quantities as to maintain strength, but not to abuse them. At the beginning of the illness, the emphasis should have been on strong distraction, in the middle - on a combination of distractors with astringents, and at the end - on dissolution in the presence of astringents of the indicated category, although the need to intensify dissolution and bring its time closer was urgent. However, that doctor did not listen to Galen. Galen also warned him about another patient, using whom they agreed that the patient would die from the dissipation of natural strength and that a slight sticky perspiration would appear on him. The patient really died, and it was as Galen thought. This dissolution should be hastened at a time when the juices need to be diverted; in this case, the medicine must not be devoid of astringent and adhesive properties, even if pure dissolution is necessary. Compliance with all these rules is a delicate matter!

Know that this organ, which quickly lends itself to petrification, just as quickly lends itself to loosening; Sometimes the opening of blockages and loosening cause the tumor to open. If you use solvents, then do not use drugs of the burning type - this stimulates the tumor. Honey-sweetened water, although it cleanses without burning, is sweet, and sweets cause blockages. Therefore, barley water sufficiently relieves other drugs, for it cleanses without burning and does not cause blockages; In addition, its cleansing and opening properties can be enhanced by mixing something with it if you want to increase its strength. Burning and astringent drugs are more harmful to tumors in the hollow than to tumors on the convex side, for they act with all their force at once and cause blockages at the beginning of the passages. And in the convexity, their strength is weakened, and they act on the terminal mouths of the vessels.

Next, you should correctly recognize the sore side. Be careful not to expel urine if the disease occurs on the concave side, or to loosen it if the disease occurs on the convex side: in both cases, you will drive the matter deeper. On the contrary, emptying should be done through the place closest to the tumor; if the tumor is on the concave side, it is emptied by laxation, and if it is on the convex side, by increased expulsion of urine. Also beware of leaving your nature locked up, for this involves great harm and a terrible danger, but also do not allow your nature to soften excessively, so that your strength does not fall and your nature weakens. On the contrary, you should moderately release what is locked and moderately lock what is released.

As for the medicines that are good for tumors in the liver at the beginning of the disease, when there is excessive heat, these are chicory juice, nightshade juice with sugar sikanjubin, barley water, “shepherd’s staff” juice, great plantain juice, bladder cherry juice, fresh juice coriander, pumpkin and kissa, as well as dodder juice; something like bitter wormwood and fragrant reed should be mixed with these juices. This kind of flatbread is useful: take barberry pulp - ten dirhams, roses, bamboo concretions - five dirhams each, cucumber seeds, cores of pumpkin seeds, purslane seeds, or chicory seeds - three dirhams each, fennel seeds - dirhams. All this is turned into flat cakes and given to drink in the amount of two misqals. If it is necessary to enhance the extinguishing of heat, then put a little camphor into these cakes, and if they want to strengthen the liver more, add lacca and aristolochia. If there is a cough, they put thickly brewed licorice juice and a little tragacanth and taranjubin in them. As for the medicines that have a stronger effect and are more suitable for tumors, if there is no fever reaching an extreme degree, then these are fennel juice, cowwort, aromatic rush, mountain parsley, bindweed; They all drink this with shikanjubin. These drugs and others like them help with tumors in the first period, when they begin to mature slightly. Rose cakes are also useful, especially for tumors adjacent to the cavity.

Often the cause of the tumor and its onset is a bruise of the liver and a blow to it. Among the means that prevent the formation of a tumor in both of these cases is the following remedy after bloodletting: drink madder and Chinese rhubarb every day for a dirham, for three days in a row. If you know that the tumor is on the concave side, then it is best to use bindweed juice mixed with the above-mentioned cooling medicines, which should be added to it, as well as beet juice and all substances that cause ripening, distracting and softening the nature. It is useful, when signs of ripening appear, to give the laxative cassia with fennel juice, nightshade juice and bindweed juice, and also add a little safflower seeds and a little nettle and polypodium to the food. When the swelling goes down, use strong medicines, for example, sabur, agaric, turbit; Some people use yellow myrobalans, but I do not approve of this, because they have the property of constantly binding, and I am afraid that they will remove the liquid substance and turn the thick substance into stone. Often during this period, without embarrassment, they eat, for example, safflower seed, nettle, polypodium, and dodder; sometimes we even dared to prescribe a harbak, depending on the need.

As for enemas at the beginning of the disease and in cases where it turns out that the nature is locked up, they use, for example, squeezed juice of beet leaves with honey, salt and bavrak, or with red sugar, and when the tumor subsides, the enemas are intensified and placed in them polypodium, centaury, hyssop, satar; sometimes they also contain coloquint. If the tumor is on the convex side, then you should start with cold diuretics, then use balanced drugs, and then, when maturation becomes obvious, use good, strong drugs; such a delay is necessary only for fear of petrification. Such medicines are, for example, madder, celery, hoofed grass, aromatic rush, large cakes from large barberry, cakes from powerful saplings and other strong diuretics mentioned in the section on eruption regarding the expulsion of urine.

As for medicinal dressings, they should not be applied cold, as with other tumors, but warm. Medicines that should be rushed with when it is suspected that a tumor is beginning are cold, astringent squeezed juices, as well as squeezed purslane juice, pumpkin, tenacious, rose water, sandalwood, camphor and dressings prepared from young shoots of grapes, dried roses and oatmeal Products such as these should not be reused; on the contrary, when it becomes clear that a tumor is forming, the best medicinal dressing is one made from quince, which is boiled in water with vinegar until it is boiled, mixed with sandalwood, a little rose oil is added and consumed. This also includes quince, which is boiled with a somewhat astringent fragrant wine, added with “shepherd’s staff” and strengthened, for example, with a small amount of sumbul, bitter wormwood, satiety, thickened with barley oatmeal and used as a dressing. Sometimes they also add quince oil or mastic oil or henna oil, and from juices - myrtle juice, apple leaf juice, quince juice and the like; A medicinal bandage is also prepared from quince boiled in a decoction of wormwood. If it is desirable to enhance the effect to some degree of dissolution, then add a little mastic, chamomile, melilot, barley flour and fenugreek with tart substances and flaxseed to the dressing. Among the oils, dill oil, chamomile oil and fenugreek oil are put there. They also use a Bilibus bandage, a Philagria bandage, a bandage with medicinal clover, a Karituna bandage and other bandages that we mention in the Pharmacopoeia.

Prescription for a bandage that calms the flame. Take young dates and squeezed buckthorn juice - one part each, saffron, mastic - half a part each, four parts rose oil, wax - in the right amount. At the end of the disease, opening and dissolving bandages are used, to which astringents are mixed in order to maintain natural strength. These are, for example, dressings made from “orris root”, hoofweed, auricum, Dubrovnik polyum, crtmapa, cypress wormwood, cabbage seeds, bdelium and the like - sometimes strengthening substances are added to them - and dressings made from myrtle, dye madder, laurel drupes, saffron, myrrh, mastic, wax and white lily oil. Oils that are sometimes mixed with them are narcissus oil and iris oil.

Prescription of a bandage that promotes the resorption of tumors in the liver, attributed to Qaboos, Praiseworthy, tested. They take mayi and wax - ten darakhmi each, mastic, saffron, amom - four darakhmi each, mastic tree oil and rose oil - each in the amount of two darakhmi, wine - two and a half cutulis. The wax and oil are melted and all the medicines are bound with them.

Another bandage, very useful. Irma, amoma, sadaj - two dirhams each, maya and wax - twenty darakhmi each, incense, saffron, hoofed grass - each darakhmi, mastic tree oil - as much as needed. Another good dressing: sabura - three ukiyas, mastics - ukiyas, chamomile and melilot - four ukiyas each, saffron, madder, fragrant reed and hoofed grass - two ukiyas each, wax and ushshaka six ukiy each, iris oil - sufficient quantity. Another strong dissolving dressing: saffron - two ukiyas, bdellia - seven ukiyas, mud from beehives - four ukiyas, mastics - three ukiyas, mayi, zifta and wax - three ukiyas each, ushshaka - the same amount, amoma, rum sumbul and grains six ukiya of each balsam tree, sufficient quantity of iris oil. All this is mixed and consumed. If, with a tumor, debilitating diarrhea is observed and caution requires its cessation, then you should drink barberry cakes and restorative rhubarb cakes.

In terms of nutrition, barley gruel is best suited, because it cools, cleanses and does not cause blockages, and also quickly passes into the organs. As for spelled and even stronger ordinary wheat, they necessarily have density and they put pressure on the tumor. If it is not possible to do without bread, then give sour bread made from white flour, but not from glutinous wheat, baked in a bread oven. Special care should be taken about the nutrition of such patients. From vegetables they are given lettuce and quinoa, and from fruits - sweet pomegranate, but only to those patients in whom the sweetness does not turn into yellow bile in the stomach. You should generally avoid sweets as much as possible.

Treatment of erysipelas. The treatment of erysipelas is close to the treatment of phlegmon, but one should be more careful in relaxing and expelling urine with the help of substances that are more prone to coldness. Medicines are applied cooled by snow and are continuously renewed in the same form until the patient feels that the cold has gone deep inside. Bandages made from water lily, bladder cherry juice, quince juice, sandalwood, camphor and the like are used; If possible, do not use warming agents.

Treatment of an abscess. When treating an abscess at the beginning, and also if it begins with a hot tumor and it is assumed that it is collecting pus, moderately distracting medicinal dressings and ointments should be used and given barley water and sikanjubin. If circumstances require bloodletting, then the blood is drawn from the basil or cups are placed on the part of the liver adjacent to the back. Sometimes you have to force a relaxation. If a tumor must necessarily collect pus, then it is necessary to accelerate its maturation and opening, and inevitably it is necessary to facilitate this by tearing off and diluting the juices, because in such tumors there must certainly be thick juices that the diseased organ has absorbed. You also cannot avoid using emollients to make the juice ready for dissolution.

When ripening becomes apparent, but the tumor does not open, it is helped by strong tearing agents, applied in the form of drinks or bandages, and then nature is helped to expel the matter if it needs help. At the same time, they look in which direction the matter needs to be deflected. If it is necessary to remove it by relaxation or expel it with urine, then do so, and the urine is not driven with any strong or sharp substance that would cause damage to the bladder, because in this disease, take care of the bladder when pus breaks through there - it will yourself or thanks to a diuretic medicine - definitely. When the tumor has completely burst and pus is rapidly rushing out of it and it is necessary to wash away the remaining pus, then they drink, for example, water sweetened with honey or something similar, and after that some kind of medicine is required to heal the ulcer. As soon as the patient’s strength allows for relaxation, this greatly helps healing, unless one goes too far. The relaxation is needed for two reasons. Firstly, it is resorted to before opening the tumor in order to reduce the amount of matter and facilitate the work of nature, and, secondly, after the opening or when the opening is close and maturation is completed, if it is known that the matter is more inclined to go towards the intestines and that the abscess located in the concave part of the liver.

Among the means that induce relaxation in this case for the sake of helping nature, and, moreover, means of the lungs, are taranjubin, shirkhushk, laxative cassia and the like. Sometimes sabur and bitter wormwood are added to the medicine. Among enemas, well-known light enemas are used. As for laxatives, which are prescribed after ripening, and also to help ripening and opening, they give tribulus oil in the amount of four dirhams and jasmine oil in the amount of two dirhams with half a cube of sugar and half a cube of the laxative cassia in a decoction of the roots and saplings. If the matter deviates towards the convex part of the liver, then one should not use laxatives, unless for the sake of help and to alleviate the condition at the beginning of the disease and before the tumor matures. And after maturation, the above-mentioned diuretics should be used in a certain order: the more mature the tumor, the more diuretics are used.

Drinking medicines that promote ripening are, for example, donkey milk with red sugar or asclepiad sugar, or juices of various roots with raisins and figs, maidenhair and fenugreek with sweet and bitter almond oil, fenugreek oil or tribulus oil. If something stronger is desired, then dates are added to the medicine. They are also given to drink on an empty stomach a decoction of Dubrovnik polyum with strong hyssop wine, fed with honey, cleared of foam by boiling, and figs, and given water sweetened with honey and barley juice. Or they take a dirham of dry dandelion and drink it in three ukiyahs of donkey milk with sugar. They also use medicines that have the ability to open and thin and at the same time strengthen, that is, for example, wormwood, saffron, sumbul, peony roots, thyme root, madder root, mastic, sumbul of both types, twig seeds, squeezed sapwood juice , centaury roots, and from oils - spikenard oil, mastic tree oil and iris oil. As for medicinal dressings that help open the tumor, these are, for example, dressings that contain flour, sweet clover, chamomile, iris rhizome, mint, marshmallow roots, figs, raisins, yeast, baked onions and flaxseed oil. If something stronger is required, then use a dressing with barley flour, bavrak, pigeon feces, mint, turpentine tree resin, crushed incense and similar substances.

When it is felt that the tumor has matured, the patient should lie on the liver and constantly bathe in hot water. Sometimes you need to exercise and walk if possible. And after the tumor has opened, the patient must take medicines that wash and cleanse, for example, hot water sweetened with honey; this is followed by means that cleanse the liver from the side where the matter is directed, that is, either by relaxation or by expelling urine, if there is a need for this, or a small amount of these means is added to water sweetened with honey. Such a patient should not be given very strong diuretics: they damage the urinary tract and bladder. If it turns out that the pus has ulcerated and damaged the urinary tract and bladder, then it is best to feed the patient with substances that have the property of cleansing without burning, but, on the contrary, somewhat gluing, such as, for example, water sweetened with honey, which was boiled moderately, after mixing a little starch to it , egg white and rose oil, or, for example, garden mallow with spelt. In general, this disease should be treated with the same means as ulcers in the internal organs, and the case should be dealt with as is appropriate for kidney ulcers.

When the liver is well cleansed, the patient should be given barley water with shikanjubin in the morning. After two hours, you take a mithqal of incense and dragon's blood, a mithqal of chicory seeds, celery seeds, and mastic, each of a mithqal, and give the patient this mixture with sikanjubin, julab, or honey-sweetened water. After this, strengthen the patient’s strength with nutrition and treat his ulcer with the remedies that we will mention when we talk about kidney ulcers. If it turns out that the pus has poured into the abdominal cavity, then in this case it is inevitable to cut the skin near the groins and push back the muscles until the inner membrane, called baritown, becomes visible. Then you poke a hole in it near the groins and insert a tube into it through which pus flows out; after that you heal the wound with bandages.

As for food, a light diet should first be prescribed, limited to barley gruel with sikanjubin; then they prescribe the opening food that we mentioned: the yolk of soft-boiled eggs and softening stews, and when the tumor is opened and cleared, you need something strengthening, for example, meat juice, tender meat of kids, rams and birds, broth from it, acidified with spices, the yolk of soft-boiled eggs and the like, and also a little wine. Then they use strengthening aromatic substances.

Treatment of cold tumors. Cutting and cleaning agents should be used against them; their treatment is close to the treatment of blockages and to the treatment of ulcers that are ready to ripen. You already know what medicines promote ripening, drive urine, open and dilute; they should have astringent and strengthening power and fragrant. The oils in these medicines include castor bean oil, jasmine oil and zanbaka oil, as do the medicinal dressings used for such tumors. The best medicinal dressings for them are Fularhiyun dressings, Filagria plaster, Ustumahikun plaster and seed plaster; A bandage with turmeric medicine, lakka medicine, and the like also helps. Pistachios are of great benefit for such tumors, as well as cakes from both sumbuls, and for drinks - wine from the famous seeds with Dubrovnik vulgaris and Dubrovnik polyum, which were boiled in such wine.

One of the remedies useful for these tumors, especially for tumors that are prone to hardening - it also helps with pain in the kidneys and spleen - is a medicine prepared with sea onions according to the following recipe: take baked sea onions, blue iris, ungulate, wild dill roots, valerian, celery seeds, anise, aromatic sumbula, Ceylon cinnamon, beaver stream, mountain mint, cumin, river mint, calamus, saliva, long pepper, wild carrots, amoma, furbiyune, marshmallow seeds, Greek lavender, Dubrovnik polyum , tortuous gills, rue seeds, fennel seeds, caper root bark, round aristolochia, kirpha, ginger, laurel drupes, opium, henbane seeds, bush, azhgon, white wild cumin seeds - one part each, mixed with honey from which they were removed foam and consume.

The medicine prepared with wild garlic has exactly the same effect as the one mentioned above. Take garlic, white gentian, saplings, bush, aristolochia, lovage, tortuous gilly, long pepper - thirty darachmi each, celery seeds, valerian, wild dill roots, hoofed grass, wild carrot, azhgon, black ferula - fifteen darachmi each, leaves dry rue, mountain mint, cumin, mint, wild satara - ten darachmi each, beaver stream, myrrh, milk thistle - twelve darachmi each. The last two medicines are dissolved in wine, and the rest are ground, mixed so that they become something single, and bound with honey, from which the foam has been skimmed.

Treatment of a solid tumor in the liver. Not a single person was healed from a solid tumor, established and strengthened, and those who were healed with such a tumor were treated from the very beginning of the disease, and the main rule of their treatment was: after cleansing the body of thick juices, the use of medicines composed of plants, which have a moderate softening property, a moderate dissolving, thinning and warming property, the ability to open blockages, stronger than softening, as well as a strengthening, astringent effect and incense. Everything should take place to the extent necessary, not to such an extent that it interferes with the achievement of both other goals. Most of these medicines are predominantly bitter and have a slight astringent property; They are consumed as a drink, used as bandages, and also used as a pouring.

It is necessary to soften the nature, if it is locked, with light medications and especially enemas. Sometimes pine nuts, flaxseed and turpentine tree resin work this way, which also helps against tumors. You should not dare to relax your stomach with things that are very hot in nature: they will cause pain and increase suffering. The patient should sleep on the right side: this is one of the means to significantly help the resorption of the tumor. As for simple medicines that are useful for such a disease, these are pine nuts, bone marrow, fat from various animals, balanced by nature or somewhat hot, as well as fenugreek flour: it softens a little and, moreover, promotes ripening. The bush helps a lot in this case, if you give it to drink from half a dirham to a misqal in grape must mixed with wine, it brings clear benefits. Sometimes it helps to drink spikenard oil, balsam oil or bush oil, or water in which rue and dill were boiled. At one time they give four dirhams to drink spikenard oil and use it for a week, it brings great benefits.

Among the remedies that are beneficial for this is the squeezed juice of fresh citvar wormwood, if consumed for several days. Also helpful are twig seeds, in the amount of a dirham, with some wine, sapwood, in the amount of a dirham, with celery juice, fennel, chicory, dried plantain, in the amount of one mithqal, and lupine decoction, in which they put up to half a dirham of sumbul and pepper - in smaller quantities. Bitter almonds in wine are also beneficial. Dragon's blood tree root also helps, as do bay tree bast, bay laurel drupes, madder root, arum root, black chickpea, Dubrovnik polyum, Dubrovnik vulgaris and leek. Among the useful complex medicines for this are cakes with bdellium according to the following recipe: ground rose - ten dirhams, aromatic sumbula - two dirhams, saffron - dirham, myrrh - dirham, bdellium - three dirhams, bush - one and a half dirhams, mastic - dirham, bitter almonds - one and a half dirhams; These substances are crushed, and bdelium is dissolved in wine and other medicines are mixed with it. The composition is turned into cakes and given to drink three dirhams at a time with water sweetened with honey and an infusion of roots, and if there is a fever, then with bindweed or chicory juice. This also includes the medicine Asklepiades, prepared with bear bile; it is tried and useful, since it contains various substances, subject to the conditions we have mentioned.

Its recipe is as follows: take dubrovnik, horehound, mountain parsley seeds, gentian, twig seeds, bear bile, mustard, kissa seeds, scolopendra, opopanax roots, clay from Buheira, madder, cabbage seeds, aristolochia, pepper, Indian sumbul, bush, garden parsley seeds, indau seeds, eryngium, polyum, opium, saplings, juniper berries - all this in equal parts - and mixed with water sweetened with honey. For each time, they give you to drink one buiduka with wine sweetened with honey, in the amount of qiyafa. One of the useful remedies for this is medicine with turmeric; Atanasiya, Teryak of four remedies and Shajazaniyya also help against this.

Among the light complex medicines are the dandelion medicine mentioned in relation to an abscess, as well as in general all the medicines that we mention when speaking about cold tumors. If you eat barberry cakes in water every day for a week, starting from one and a half dirhams and up to two and a half dirhams, it helps. “If the tumor has taken up a little water, then use cakes with sataram and resinous spurge, gradually moving from a third of a dirham to half and to a dirham; you must try not to cause diarrhea in the patient, and strive to open the blockages. Among the medicines for drinking, which What is given to drink for this disease is a decoction of the bush, branches of saplings, fenugreek and raisins in the amount of four ukiyya with one ukiyya of almond oil and fresh nut oil or a decoction prepared from gentian, wormwood, sweet clover, raisins and figs, or a decoction of rhubarb, wormwood, rue, rush inflorescences, raisins and fenugreek, or a decoction of lupine, bush and wormwood with castor oil. Good medicinal dressings in such a case are dressings with amom, fresh or dry, boiled in tart wine, or with sumbul, with pistachio oil and horehound, or with horehound and boiled dill, and a dressing made with fenugreek flour,  goat dung, wild cumin, mint, cabbage, abalone and rue.

If the cause of the tumor is a blow and the tumor has already begun to form and harden, then the most suitable dressing is a butcher's broom patch. One of the good methods of treatment is this: when using medicines for drinking and bandages, a heated blood-sucking jar should be placed on the diseased organ; in this case, no incision is made, but the leech is suspended from the sore spot. Then they use stronger, thinning and dissolving medicines, and constantly apply to the sore spot, for example, soda or yellow sulfur, which are again placed on this place every five days or a week. They also use grape must with mustard, changing the bandage every ten days, and induce vomiting in the patient using radish. If the tumor is difficult to treat, then white hellebore is used as an emetic. If the tumor has become cancerous, then there is little hope. If anything helps here, it is only the medicine Asclepiades, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia, but without bear bile. As for nutrition, they give food that is quickly digested, for example, the yolks of soft-boiled eggs and barley gruel and are fed in the same way as those who have blockages in the liver. They give wine, liquid and very little, and order to abstain from meat.

Treatment of tumors in the abdominal walls and muscles. In terms of drugs, it is close to the treatment of tumors in the liver, but the courage, first in abstraction, then in the dissolution of matter, should be greater, and one should not be afraid of the consequences of binding and dissolution, which are feared with tumors in the liver.

Treatment of tumors in the mesenteric vessels is the same as treatment of tumors in the concave part of the liver, and this is sufficient.