Creole massage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks or Creole massage began to appear in our country relatively recently. The shores of the Indian Ocean can be considered its homeland. About 5 thousand years ago, this type of massage began to be used on the island of Mauritius, whose local residents are Creoles - hence the name “Creole”.

Today, massage with bamboo sticks can be observed in SPA centers and salons, which are distinguished by a high level of professionalism.

The main goal of Creole massage is the harmonization of all processes in the human body.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, on the skin, and has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Creole massage

The massage is performed with a large stick to correct the figure

Who is prescribed

In Russia, this type of massage is new and is not widely used. Today it is practiced by a small number of specialists. The main physiological effect of this massage is the constriction and dilation of blood vessels. This process will depend on the intensity of the techniques, the strength and duration of the impact.

As a rule, this massage is used for:

  1. obesity;
  2. cellulite;
  3. mental and physical fatigue;

It relieves stress well and helps you completely relax. There is a significant improvement in blood circulation and lymph flow. Metabolic processes are accelerated and skin cell nutrition is improved.

This type of massage is good because it is highly effective. This is especially true for massage of the thighs and buttocks. In terms of time, it is much shorter than a regular classic massage. The recommended course is 15 sessions. I would like to note that it is absolutely painless.

Massage with bamboo sticks

The action of the bamboo stick is very gentle and soft

Creole massage technique

For massage, two special bamboo sticks are used. The sizes of the sticks vary depending on the area on which the massage will be performed. For example, large sticks are used to treat cellulite and cleanse the body, while small sticks are used to tone the skin and strengthen muscle tissue. Also, small sticks are used to perform acupressure and influence biologically active points.

Basically, the length of the sticks is 35 cm, the diameter is 3 cm. One part of the stick is filled with grain, and the other is hollow. This combination allows you to create the desired sound effect. The following massage oils are used for massage: sesame, almond, papaya, cypress, avocado, guava oil.

The following techniques are used during the massage:

  1. trituration;
  2. kneading;
  3. squeezing;
  4. vibration;
  5. striking techniques.

First, the massage therapist performs deep rubbing with bamboo sticks. The main effect of the sticks is directed on the human muscles.

Next, percussion techniques are performed, the approximate rhythm is 110-120 beats per minute. Rhythm plays a major role here, because a non-rhythmic massage cannot be performed. The procedure is accompanied by ethnic Creole music.

The blows are performed tangentially, creating additional vibration. Biologically active points located on the body are effectively worked out. Working out the points allows you to “revive” the body sensors. With the help of two sticks that perfectly match the contours of the body, it is possible to restore energy balance.

It is good to massage after hydrotherapy:

  1. taking a bath, shower;
  2. hydromassage;
  3. swimming in the pool.

It is also good to perform a massage after heat treatment - baths, saunas. After you have had a massage procedure, for greater effectiveness, you can perform a seaweed or clay wrap.

Creole massage goes well with other types: honey, anti-cellulite, sculptural, plastic, Thai.

Creole massage technique

Creole massage technique

A little about bamboo sticks

In Asia, bamboo is considered a symbol of longevity and endurance. Therefore, using bamboo sticks as a massage tool is quite useful. The sticks are durable and flexible and can last a sufficient amount of time. It is believed that with their help you can restore health.

Using bamboo massage sticks, you can perform various techniques: kneading, rubbing, squeezing, stretching, twisting. In this case, the massage therapist uses all surfaces of the stick.

Not all types of bamboo are suitable for making a bamboo stick. For example, Abkhazian bamboo is not suitable because it has poor mechanical properties. Bamboo from Vietnam must be sanded and varnished. Laotian bamboo is most suitable for massage. It is considered the best in the world.