Treatment of pleurisy

It is necessary to delay the matter heading towards the tumor, and divert it with the help of emptying and drugs that divert the matter in the opposite direction. Let the doctor read what we have described in the previous paragraph; we will sometimes have to repeat what is said there. We say: the remedy for this disease is bloodletting, if the blood prevails. Bloodletting is carried out in the manner described in the previous paragraph, and the blood is removed until the color of the patient’s blood changes, this indicates that the harmful excess blood has already been removed; know also that the blackest blood in the body is that which is located near such a tumor. However, when bleeding, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the patient: often the strength does not allow blood to be removed to such a limit.

If there is a different juice in the tumor, then it is removed not with, for example, a medicine such as myrobalans or something with astringent properties, but with a remedy that causes relaxation and at the same time softening, such as medicines made from violet, taranjudin, manna and Hijaz sugar ; laxatives are given at night. Some knowledgeable people say that it is best, if possible, to empty the body by bloodletting, so as not to cause the anxiety that laxatives sometimes cause; we have already mentioned this. This is all the more important if the phlegm is very bilious, especially, as Galen says, when the fever is very strong. Galen warns against scammonium gum, but does not warn against iyaraja and harbak taken together. He praises the effect of barley water, consumed after using a laxative, when one is finished with it, but if drunk together with a laxative, it interrupts its effect.

The direction of pain and suffering must, however, be taken into account: if the pain is directed upward to the collarbone, to the sternum and above, then bloodletting is preferable, and if the pain is directed towards the false ribs, then it is necessary to use the laxative on its own or with bloodletting, depending on the what observation shows: the fact is that bloodletting from the basilica alone does not distract from this place such an amount of matter that should be taken into account.

By the way, you can conclude that there is a great need for emptying if you see that medicinal bandages and compresses do not soothe the pain, or if it turns out that they intensify it. This indicates fullness of the whole body, and emptying is then necessary, especially through bloodletting. If you opened the blood and caused a bowel movement, but the manifestations of the disease did not subside, then know that stopping the accumulation of pus, which you are trying to achieve, is difficult, and do not repeat the bloodletting so that the matter that causes the maturation of the tumor does not flow to it sluggishly. Bloodletting is one of the activities that does not contribute to the maturation of the tumor, since the patient’s strength decreases, and blood tumors do not mature due to the influx of matter. And when the tumor matures, you should prevent the matter from turning into pus and try to clear the tumor earlier by expectoration.

In general, if the patient has not been bled, but the tumor has matured and he is coughing up mature sputum in a decent amount, and you also observe weakness in his strength, then do not do bloodletting at all. And if weakness of strength prevents both bloodletting and relaxation, then it is necessary to use enemas, medium or acute, depending on what the observation requires, especially when the pain deviates to the false ribs. Hippocrates advises, in the treatment of pleurisy, when pain is invariably felt, strongly deviating towards the false ribs, to empty either black hellebore, or filiun, or, according to another recipe, “wild vegetable”. It is a plant similar to purslane, containing a milky sap, and belongs to the genus Yattu. If you have had a bowel movement and see that the pain has become easier, limit yourself to sugar water and boiled barley water; To do this, take peeled barley and boil it for a long time in a large amount of water. They also give spelled juice if you need to strengthen your strength, watermelon, melon, jujube juice, cordia juice, violet jam, sleeping pill poppy seeds. The oil that is used with any of the listed medications is almond oil. Some doctors prohibit pomegranate because of its cooling effect, but, in my opinion, there is no big harm from sweet pomegranate. Sometimes, to induce expectoration, decoctions of the following medicines are used: peeled barley, jujube, cordia, violet, soporific poppy seeds, violet drink and water lily drink. These two drinks are better than julab.

Galen prescribed at the beginning - illnesses, various types of diyakuza to hold the matter and force it to ripen, and also to put the patient to sleep, and I will say that they have to be resorted to if this is unavoidable due to severe insomnia. If there is no such insomnia, then diyakuza should not be used, because the sleeping pill poppy sometimes slows down the flow of matter and prevents expectoration; unless, of course, adding sugar to it eliminates its harmfulness. It seems that poppy seed diyakuza is more suitable for this than poppy peel diyakuza.

Matter that is retained should be expelled by expectoration. It is also necessary to measure nutrition so that it is not plentiful, but, on the contrary, light, in accordance with what is required by the greater or lesser severity of the disease and its manifestations. If the manifestations of the disease are calm, mild and insignificant, then feed the patient with a decoction of barley, peeled and well boiled: it helps with expectoration, removes matter and strengthens strength. If you want to sweeten the broth, then sweeten it with sugar or honey; if this bothers you, limit yourself to barley decoction until you understand the situation, based especially on the quality of the sputum. If there is a lot of sputum, then there is no danger that the matter is too abundant and it is known that the patient’s strength should be strengthened; feed him with a decoction of purified barley, and strengthen his strength. And if the phlegm lingers, then lighten the regimen and, if possible, limit yourself to barley water and various drinks. If diarrhea occurs during pleurisy, and pleurisy occurs after zabkha, which resolves and turns into pleurisy, then this prevents any treatment by bloodletting or softening of nature; during treatment, the patient’s diet is limited to barley oatmeal.

When, in various types of pleurisy, the need requires bloodletting, and the tumor has not yet matured, then it would be correct to limit the removal of two-thirds of the amount of blood and prepare the vein for secondary bloodletting by lubricating the wound with olive oil and salt. Easing the stomach once or twice daily often eliminates the need for bloodletting. If bloodletting is followed by fainting or severe difficulty and constriction of breathing, this indicates that bloodletting has not removed the matter of the disease. It is better not to soften nature when treating chest pain at the beginning of the disease with any means other than mild ones, such as enemas and suppositories. “It is a big mistake to give patients strong cooling medicines, unless pleurisy occurs from yellow bile, give them cold and astringent substances to drink, or feed them, for example, lentils with sour seasonings and similar foods. Know that drinking cold water is not suitable for this disease and for all internal tumors, and give it as little as possible. And if thirst resists this, then mix shikanjubin with cold water so that shikanjubin weakens the power of the water and reduces its stay and presence in the body, on the contrary, it will then quickly conduct the water and help it penetrate the body, and the patient will benefit from the tearing and diluting effect of shikanjubin .

Know that if during pleurisy the burning intensifies and cooling is required, then cool only with substances that have several cleansing and moisturizing properties, such as, for example, cucumber juice and watermelon juice; As for pumpkin juice, although it, on the one hand, is beneficial, it sometimes harms and weakens, increasing the secretion of urine. And substances that should be avoided are, for example, cortulac oleracea juice, chicory infusion and anything that has the property of cooling and thickening. Your main goal should be for the patient to cough up mucus easily. One way to increase expectoration is to lie on the affected side. Sometimes you have to shake the patient slightly and let him drink several sips of lukewarm water in a row, this helps a lot, sometimes sputum retention, causing shortness of breath, leads to the need to let the patient lick a spoonful of verdigris, and sometimes severe pain forces him to drink one bakilla of asafoetida with honey , vinegar and water; this is done when there is severe, excruciating pain. If the insubordination of breathing reaches the point of snoring and wheezing, take as much baking soda as you can grasp with three fingers, verdigris in the amount of one bakilla, a little olive oil, warm water and a little honey, and if this does not work, add grape flowers with pepper, and vinegar, all this warm, or hyssop, mustard and watercress with honey and water warm; this If those suffering from pleurisy need stronger food, they are given fish from reservoirs with a rocky bottom, this is done when the fever subsides, as well as bread with sugar and butter, which contributes to the ripening of the tumor and expectoration of sputum, and fish boiled with leek, dill and salt. Try to lighten the abdominal area so that it does not crowd the chest; this is achieved by softening the nature and removing feces, if it is retained, through a soft enema, for example, “from barley water, with a small amount of beet juice. You should also not allow your stomach to swell: know that fumes from feces and swelling are harmful in this disease It is very important, by the way, to ensure that the disease matures as quickly as possible, “before the tumor becomes purulent, and if it has become purulent, you should hasten to clean it before the pus begins to corrode.

Know that this requires hydration; try to evoke it in order to facilitate and speed up the expectoration of mucus. When the sputum begins to rise and the patient has passed the fourth day, the above-mentioned decoction is strengthened by adding licorice root and Venus hair.

If the matter is thick, and the forces are significant and there is no damage to the nerves, then it is a good idea to give the patient diluted sikanjubin to drink so that he can tear off the matter; softening the nature, for example, with the laxative cassia with sugar, taranjubin and manna, will also be correct. Sometimes they also resort to medicinal dressings and rubbing. The first thing to apply is a wax ointment made from violet oil and purified wax, then gradually move on to animal fats, mucus and mill dust, and then, little by little, to stronger remedies, for example, dressings with medicinal chamomile, marshmallow root and licorice root, as well as with violet and garden mallow decoction. When something even stronger is required, they use dressings made with boiled cabbage and boiled fennel, as well as dressings with wormwood, licorice root and some honey with spikenard oil.

Know that if the matter is abundant, then cold medicinal bandages and ointments are harmful, and if there is little matter, then they are not harmful, just as in the case when the tumor has resolved and a certain amount of matter remains. If useful evacuation occurs without bloodletting, then it is also permissible to use ointment.

Description of an excellent medicinal dressing. Take violet and marshmallow leaves, one part each; licorice root two parts, bean flour and barley flour one and a half parts, chamomile and tragacanth one part each. If the matter is thick and it is necessary to enhance the dissolution, then flaxseed is added to this composition and, to knead it, use maybukhtaj with wax and violet oil. If the heat is less, then instead of violet oil, add iris oil or narcissus oil, and if the heat is stronger, then instead of the hot additives that we added to the recipe, add water lily, rose and pumpkin leaves.

Excellent rubbing recipe. They take wax with goose fat, chicken fat, sheep oil and lanolin and make a rub from it. It's very good. Among the medicinal dressings that promote ripening and at the same time soothe pain are a dressing with barley flour, sweet clover and soporific poppy peel. Sometimes with this disease they resort to compresses, wet and dry; wet ones are more suitable when the tumor looks more like erysipelas, and dry ones when it looks like phlegmon, but wet ones, if they don’t bring any benefit, then don’t harm, and dry ones, if they do harm, then they do a lot of harm. It is best to start with a compress in the form of a sponge soaked in hot water; Sea or salt water has a stronger effect. After this, if necessary, proceed to warming with steam or olive oil and water, both of which should be hot. A compress with vinegar, vetch and cabbage on a woolen rag soaked in oil is more effective. From dry thinning ones, compresses with bran are used, then with millet and then with salt. Compresses dispel all pain both above and below, if there is no obstacle in the form of overflow caused by the compress; As for bloodletting, it often dispels pain at the top.

When you apply a medicinal bandage or compress, try to protect the patient’s face from the steam so as not to cause faintness and shortness of breath. But often the disease causes severe dryness, and in this case it is useful for the steam from a moderately damp bandage or compress to hit the patient’s face and go inside when inhaling. Sometimes they resort to licking medications, using them for these diseases. The mildest and most suitable medicine for feverish people is made from purified, washed wax with violet oil, especially if the pain is severe. Sometimes they turn to blood-sucking banks, having first cleansed the body by emptying and other means and making sure that it is cleansed. If you place blood-sucking cups on the place where it hurts, they produce great benefits; It happens that they completely calm the pain, and sometimes they distract it to the outer integument. A medicinal bandage with mustard, if applied to such a place, acts in the same way as blood-sucking cups in terms of diverting pain.

After the seventh day of illness, the ancients prescribed a licking medicine made from almonds, nettle seeds, honey and cow butter, and also a licking medicine made from gum and resin of the turpentine tree. They often use powerful porridges, such as atanasiya. This is a good method that can only be used by researchers in the art of healing, confident that they will understand how to correct the harm that can occur from such treatment, and that the patient is able to endure it; they thereby achieve a healing degree of purification. As for our cowardly contemporaries, who do not trust themselves in this regard, they are afraid of honey and put sugar in atanasia instead of honey. The ancients also advised the use of strong purifying medicines, prepared with honey, in the form of pills, which are placed under the tongue, and nowadays they advise making medicinal dressings called “scented”, as well as dressings with marjoram and a plaster of rue. In general, anyone who follows the path adopted by the ancients should follow it with caution, caution and fear, lest a tumor burst or a great fever arise. But then he must be confident of quick success. If the disease persists until the fourteenth day, then it cannot be avoided

the use of blood-sucking cups and mitigation of the diet. If insomnia intensifies in patients, then you cannot do without drinking poppy seeds, and if their breathing quickens, then the harm can only be corrected by hydration with the help, for example, of the mucus of flea plantain seeds, which is swallowed over and over again, or julab. Sometimes it helps to pour warm water on the side to relieve pain and reduce rapid breathing: as you already know, it is harmful.

After an obvious decline in the disease, they use a bath and avoid strong cooling, unless the inflammation is of the erysipelas variety. They also avoid a diet that thickens matter, and try to cause a rarefaction of matter. At the end of the illness, leeks and mountain basil are boiled in the mentioned juices and drinks and the nettle seed is given to lick with honey. If the tumor does not respond and things lead to the accumulation of pus, then the regimen described in a special paragraph is used. One recovering from among those suffering from pleurisy should be warned against salty and caustic foods, from overfilling, from satiety, from wind and smoke, he should not speak loudly, blow into a trumpet or copulate: if he gets sick again, he will die.

This is what we say if the pleurisy is hot and true. If the pleurisy is otherwise false and without strong fever, then you should rub the patient and use medicinal dressings with fenugreek and zift, as well as blood-sucking cups.

A medicated bandage is useful in this case. They take the ashes of cabbage roots, mix them with fat, grind them and make a medicinal dressing from it. For mucous tumors, treatment begins with acute enemas and relaxation, but does not bleed, use absorbable ones in the form of the mentioned bandages and compresses, which have strength, and feed the patient with beets, cabbage juice and chickpea water, olive oil   and almond oil, sweet and bitter . They also use hot bandages and compresses and drink the decoction of Joseph the Unslumbering, which we give to drink with castor oil. As for black gall tumors, for such tumors they are fed with stews made from crushed wheat with Honey and almond oil, given emollient hot medicines for licking and forced to swallow emollient oils, such as sweet almond oil; They are also fed softening bean stews with a small amount of fenugreek. Fresh milk, especially donkey milk, is beneficial. Among the remedies useful for black gall tumors are the following: take one dirham of the bush and give it to drink in a spoon of a liquid decoction of dill with balsamic oil or honey drink; it also helps against cough.

As for the water accumulated in the lungs, the treatment for this is easier than the treatment for those suffering from suppuration, which we will talk about later. Sometimes you have to resort to a puncture.