Treatment of diarrhea caused by food

The known treatment for this is: firstly, the descent of food should not be delayed until there is a strong excessive haida; if diarrhea began as a result of an abundance of food, then this is done, and then treated with hunger; if the food does go down, you should give some astringent, thickly brewed juices. If the stomach is weak, the patient should take Khuzistan medicine or pomegranate seed powders. When the stomach feels weak, and this happens after a heavy meal, and the sign is rumbling and bloating, then take pomegranate flowers, frankincense and azhgon in equal parts, mix them with raisins, crushed along with the seeds, and give one javza every morning. They also use medicine from calamus and tamarisk galls, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. If diarrhea occurs as a result of the spoilage of the food itself or the inappropriate time of its consumption, or because of the poor quality of the food, or from its rapid spoilage, then the patient should take something after such food that gives good chyme and astringent. The effects caused by warmth or coldness are treated with the cold and hot astringent medicines known to you for appetite. If the cause of diarrhea is the stickiness or slipperiness of food, then it is avoided, moving on to light and at the same time astringent food. With warm or cold food, do as required.

When the cause of diarrhea is the intake of substances that cause slip before meals, the meal is preceded by something astringent. In case of diarrhea due to retention of quickly digested foods, you should change the diet and give bamboo nodules with some thickly brewed juices, so that the stomach can cope with the consequences of the harmful effects of bamboo, which spoiled it. Most often they generate warmth; if, in rare cases, coldness appears due to the acidity of food, which sometimes occurs with such a violation of the regime, then take bamboo nodules and Khuzistan medicine. When diarrhea occurs from a small amount of food or the softness of its substance, then after it you should feed with rough meat, dried meat in vinegar, sour seasonings, marinades, pickled fish and similar dishes in moderation. If the doctor is afraid of weak digestion, then season the food with spices.