Treatment Forced

Man is a social being and is forced to live close to others, observe social norms, and form his relationships with others on the basis of social laws. However, it does not exist outside of society. Therefore, mental disorders can affect both a person’s personality and his relationships in society. Also S.S. Korsakov wrote that with mental disorders, special social reactions develop, a kind of social liability.

Compulsory treatment is a medical procedure in which a person cannot independently make a decision about the beginning and end of treatment. This is a treatment method that can be used in cases of mental illness, social danger, and also in cases of some forms of chronic illness. This type of treatment is used only in limited situations and is carried out regardless of the patient's wishes. The goal of this type of treatment is to restore physical and mental health and prevent future recurrences.

Compulsory treatment is a rather complex procedure that requires informed decisions by doctors, professional medical personnel and social services. The treatment procedure must include a thorough examination of the subject of treatment regarding his physical health, mental state, marital status and social situation. It is also necessary to carefully assess the condition of the subject of treatment and determine the types and methods of treatment.

One of the basic principles of compulsory treatment is the inadmissibility of forcing the recipient of treatment to undergo treatment or a procedure that may be harmful to his health. However, in some cases, medical personnel may encounter resistance from the subject of treatment, which makes the procedure for compulsory medical intervention even more complex and difficult. In such cases, the subject of treatment must undergo a compulsory therapy procedure in conditions that ensure the safety of the patient and the staff of the medical institution.

As a rule, compulsory therapy is carried out in a hospital setting, where the subject of treatment receives the necessary medical treatment and is under the supervision of medical personnel. Specialists conduct regular examinations of the subject of treatment and draw up treatment plans that are based on medical and socio-psychological data. In addition, professional psychologists and psychiatrists provide advice and support to the subject of treatment during the compulsory therapy procedure. In this case, the living conditions of the treatment object (family, work, etc.) are taken into account to ensure the restoration of his social functioning after the end of the treatment procedure.