Treatment of the millet variety of herpes

Millet herpes in terms of treatment is similar to the previous one, but when removing matter from below, it is more useful for the laxative to include a substance with force, for example, turbita and something that removes yellow bile; It is best if it is a medicine with the power of bitter wormwood, because black bile and mucus are necessarily mixed with yellow bile. Then they take tanning galls, tamarisk galls, sandalwood, pomegranate peels, Armenian clay, bind it all with vinegar or rose water in such an amount that it does not sting, and spread it on the pimples with a feather; Fresh milk is also very suitable for treating this disease.

When the disease has passed the onset, it should be treated, for example, with burnt heads of salted fish, which are smeared with tart wine. If effective drying is necessary, then this medicine is stronger: take mountain basil leaves, crush them, put calcadis in them and use. Even stronger are verdigris and burnt yellow sulphur, which is used to make a mudcake with wine or the juice that spurts from the stems of the vines when they are burned.