How to give a relaxing back massage

The back for a person is a kind of energetic substance. By exerting a relaxing effect on it, the body receives overall health and effective relaxation.

A relaxing back massage will relieve chronic fatigue, psychological stress, improve blood circulation and relieve swelling.

Back massage is effective for various diseases: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and any other muscle injuries. During the procedure, the patient will feel relaxed, muscle tension will disappear, overall well-being will improve and mood will rise.

In general, there are three main areas that a relaxing back massage is aimed at:

  1. general strengthening and relaxation of the body;
  2. preventive purposes (prevention of diseases);
  3. method of treating various diseases.

relaxing massage

The patient feels relaxed and comfortable

Massage technique

The back contains a large number of large muscles and nerve endings. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with them, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with a general back massage, where each technique and movement is described in detail.

Before starting the procedure, you need to relax the person as much as possible: talk to him about abstract topics, while lightly stroking him on the back. The movements should not be too intense; the patient should only feel the touch of your hands. Relaxing before the massage will help avoid the formation of bruises due to strong impact on the muscles.

If the patient feels pain, then you are doing something wrong. In this case, you need to reduce the force on the muscles and the intensity of the techniques. The massage is performed along the lymphatic pathways (from point to lymph node). It should be noted that the lymph nodes themselves are not massaged.

During the massage, it is necessary to observe the rhythm and tempo of movements. The slower the pace, the less excitability of the nervous system. And vice versa, the faster the pace, the faster the system comes to an activated state.

There is no need to take breaks between techniques; each technique is performed 5-8 times. You need to alternate weak and strong techniques. Movements must be consistent and constant. The effectiveness of the massage increases if the patient takes a shower before the procedure. Be sure to use oil for massage. So, how to give a relaxing back massage:

  1. We place the patient on a table at a convenient height for you. Place a pillow under your chest. We begin the massage with light strokes. To do this, bring your palms together, move them from the lower back along the spine and spread your hands over your shoulder blades. We repeat the technique 5-8 times. The impact is weak.
  2. In the same direction, knead the skin with your fingertips in a spiral. Do not make any effort; the skin and muscles are not yet warmed up enough.
  3. Having finished stroking and kneading, we proceed to the “sawing” technique: in the already chosen direction, using the edges of our palms, we “saw” first the right part, then the left. Afterwards, stroke 3-4 times.
  4. Let's move on to the "pinching" technique. Take muscle tissue in the lumbar region and, fingering it with your thumb and forefinger, “roll” it from bottom to top. Perform the technique first on the right, then on the left. Afterwards, rub your back.
  5. Relax your hands a little. Perform light pats on the back, from the lower back to the shoulder blades. Apply carefully to the kidney area, reducing the intensity of exposure in this area.
  6. You need to finish the massage using the same techniques as at the beginning of the massage. Then cover the patient with a towel so that the warmed muscles are not exposed to cold air.

The benefits of a relaxing back massage are undeniable. The procedure has a positive effect on the elasticity of muscle fibers and muscle performance.