Unfortunately, almost 80% of babies suffer from tummy problems. During the first few months, newborns suffer from abdominal cramps. As a rule, colic begins to appear two weeks after birth. By the 6th week they reach their maximum intensity. Listen to your baby's every cry and you'll quickly learn to differentiate cries caused by spasms from others. Massage for colic helps very well in this situation. Many mothers often use this method to alleviate the condition of a crying baby.
Crying caused by colic has its own characteristics, which will guide you in the future. If a child begins to be bothered by colic, he begins to cry out sharply and loudly, clench his hands into fists and arch his back. In some cases, the baby stops and then starts crying again. If left unchecked, colic can also harm the baby's nervous system. With each new time, the child will begin to behave more irritable and restless.
Statistics show that a baby receiving breast milk is much less susceptible to colic than a baby receiving artificial nutrition. Intestinal spasms are caused by adaptation to a new life, to new sensations. Massage for children under one year old can be of great benefit.
![Massage of life with colic Massage of life with colic](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-zhivotika-pri-kolikah-PLuBlQ.webp)
Abdominal massage for colic should be performed strictly clockwise
Abdominal massage for colic
We suggest that you carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of performing infant massage for colic, which must be followed. By properly stroking the tummy, your baby will soon calm down and the pain will go away.
The first step is to relieve tension. To do this, place your palm slightly above the navel and apply light pressure. Mentally draw a large letter “P” on your tummy. It is along this trajectory that the tense intestine and transverse colon are located, from which accumulated gases need to be expelled.
- Rub your palms so they are warm. When massaging, use cream or oil so as not to injure the baby's delicate skin.
- Using straight-line movements, gently walk along the left side of the tummy from top to bottom. With this movement you will promote the movement of gases downwards.
- Then you need to stroke your tummy just above your navel from right to left (for you it will be from left to right). And then down clockwise again.
- Then we stroke along an ascending line to the right of the navel from bottom to top. Then in a transverse direction and in a descending line.
- You need to perform 10 full revolutions.
![Massage for colic Massage for colic](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-zhivotika-pri-kolikah-HFbwfj.webp)
With this procedure, the baby calms down and intestinal spasms go away.
How else to help a child with colic
As practice shows, almost all methods are based on traditional medicine and consistency. In addition to the classic massage for colic, there are several other methods for relieving pain. Here are some of them:
- Mothers iron the diaper thoroughly, then fold it four times and place it on the tummy.
- Some people use a gas outlet tube.
- Gas-relieving medications are also used. To do this, add a few drops to a tablespoon of breast milk.
- Carry out a set of special exercises in a warm bath.
- Special technique for children's acupressure.
Since we started talking about special exercises that help relieve the baby from painful colic, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of them.
A set of exercises to help relieve spasms
- Straighten your legs, then press them towards your tummy and back. Do this exercise 10 times.
- We perform exactly the same exercise, but alternately one leg at a time.
- Raise your baby's legs slightly and perform the "bicycle" exercise.
- Afterwards, perform light strokes clockwise.
Of course, at first your baby will resist a tummy massage for colic. It will be very unusual for him to lie on his back, stretching and pressing his legs. And the child can be understood. But don’t worry, after the third session your baby will be more calm and compliant with your actions.
But, if your child resists massage too much and persistently does not want it, there is no need to force it. There will be no benefit from this. You will only harm the baby. In such a situation, simply place the baby on your palm and forearm. The child will feel your warmth and calm down. In this position, you can gently massage your baby's lower back. The procedure will not only relieve spasms, but will also give the baby confidence that he is under his mother’s protection and attention.
![Tummy massage with colic (English)](/assets/images/psdpost/otrvsi/massazh-zhivotika-pri-kolikah-PLuBlQ.webp)