Fatty Degeneration

Fatty Degeneration is a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the cells and intercellular space of body tissues. This process leads to disruption of the normal structure and functions of the affected tissues and organs.

The causes of fatty degeneration are varied. Most often it occurs due to metabolic disorders, insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. The tendency to store fat increases with excess consumption of fats and carbohydrates, alcohol abuse, and hypoxia caused by cardiovascular diseases.

Fatty degeneration is most dangerous for vital organs - liver, kidneys, heart, brain. Fat deposition in hepatocytes leads to the development of fatty liver, which is accompanied by a violation of its functions. In the heart, the accumulation of fat weakens the contractility of the myocardium. In the kidneys, degenerative changes cause a decrease in filtration activity.

Diagnosis of fatty degeneration is based on laboratory and instrumental research methods. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused this condition and preventing further progression of the pathological process in organs and tissues.

Fatty degeneration is an irreversible change in various tissues of the body, during which a significant amount of fat is deposited in the cells. Granules of neutral fats may be deposited in tissues. It should be noted that the fatty component is found not only in adipose tissue, but also in a variety of organs: adrenal glands, heart muscle, liver, spleen, gastric mucosa, pancreas, skin, etc. If the degeneration process leads to the replacement of tissues with fatty elements, then talk about fatty infiltration of organs. The name of such conditions differs depending on which cells are characterized by fat. For example:

1. Myocardial fat infiltration – infiltration of muscle cells of the heart muscle (myocardium) by fatty tissue.

Fat is a substance that our body accumulates and stores to form fat reserves. But it is its excess deposition that leads not to storage, but to tissue degeneration.

Fatty degeneration is a condition in which abnormal amounts of fat accumulate in the cells of various tissues and organs. This phenomenon most often develops due to fatty degeneration of the liver, heart or pancreas. In some cases, pathology indicates concomitant changes in the lungs, nervous system or heart muscle. As fat cell degeneration progresses, the musculoskeletal and endocrine systems begin to suffer. The pathological process is fraught with the appearance of many complications, which is fraught with serious consequences. For example, as a result of fatty liver damage, an acute attack of hepatitis, hypertension, or cerebral edema may occur. Moreover, any cause of lipomalacia increases the risk of developing pathologies of internal circulation. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to promptly detect the symptoms of pathology and seek medical help. The sooner this happens, the lower the risk of various complications.

This type of cell structure is a concomitant sign of other conditions, so it should be given special attention when collecting anamnesis. Frequent signs of the disease are swelling, sweating and fever. Pain syndrome appears in the area