Honey massage at home - simple and healthy

The benefits of honey massage have been known since ancient times. Massage has a beneficial effect on both superficial and deep skin structures. Like any other massage, it improves all internal processes in the skin, muscles, and joints.

A special feature of this massage is honey, which contains nutrients and minerals that nourish the skin, releasing microelements and vitamins, taking away toxins and impurities.

As a rule, most people trust a honey massage to be performed by a specialist who knows his business and will bring the result to the desired result. But, often, after a hard day at work, you really want to relax and at the same time get benefits. A honey massage at home will allow you to combine a pleasant experience with a useful one. And a massage performed by the hands of a loved one is more pleasant and wonderful than any professional session.

Honey massage at home

Proper execution of honey massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Benefits of honey massage at home

Honey itself contains a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Using honey as the main component of massage, all beneficial elements enter our body. Therefore, massage with honey at home not only improves external appearance, but also directly has a positive effect on internal organs. Diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, joint diseases or a simple decrease in immunity can be easily cured through a honey massage.

Due to a unique technique, nutrients quickly enter the bloodstream, where they are actively included in the metabolism, thereby providing a therapeutic and health-improving effect.

One of the main advantages of this massage is intensive skin cleansing. Due to the fact that the technique includes elements of active peeling, blood flow and skin respiration increase. Penetrating deep into the tissue, honey absorbs all accumulated toxins, giving back nutrients.

Honey restores the nervous system well. The person returns to activity, cheerfulness, and physical lightness.

Honey massage at home

Honey is absorbed quite well into the skin

Honey massage technique

There is no overly complicated method of using honey massage. It’s worth doing everything right once and in the future you will delight all your loved ones with the healing power of honey massage. For convenience, we will divide the procedure into three stages.

Following all the recommendations, the process of performing the procedure will go with a bang. The main question: how to do honey therapy at home will be resolved. Everything is done in a simple way. First, take a warm shower, cleanse your skin, you can clean it with a scrub, but don’t get carried away.

After you have cleansed your body, you need to perform a short classic massage. To do this, you can use basic techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading. This is necessary in order to prepare the body for the upcoming procedure. Having thoroughly prepared the body, you can safely proceed to the next stage.

Let's move on to the main stage. You need to take liquid honey (if the honey is candied, heat it in a water bath) and distribute it in an even thin layer over the body. Apply honey using gentle stroking movements. Once you have evenly applied the honey to your body, proceed to the main part of the procedure.

Using a smoothing motion, press your palms towards your body. As soon as the palms are stuck, we sharply tear them away from the body. With this basic movement we treat the selected area of ​​the body. You can use not the entire palm, but only your fingers, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact. After about 10-15 minutes, gray flakes form on the palms and body - this is a sign that the procedure was performed correctly. Gray flakes are waste products that clog the body. Once you feel that you have enough, you should move on to the next stage.

All remaining honey must be removed with a hot towel. As soon as all the honey is removed, we go to the shower. Take a warm shower, removing any remaining honey with a soft washcloth. Afterwards, apply a nourishing moisturizer to the body.

The mandatory final part of a honey massage at home is rest. Rest should last at least half an hour. At best, for the rest of the day.

Features of massage

During the massage process, some features appear that are worth mentioning.

Uses of honey

Any honey is suitable for massage: flower, linden, etc. In order not to be mistaken with the quality of honey, purchase honey from beekeeper producers. The likelihood of running into low-quality honey is reduced significantly. For a more pleasant and aromatic procedure, add a few drops of essential oils to honey: orange, tangerine, eucalyptus.

Appearance of bruises

After 1-2 procedures, the appearance of bruises is a completely normal reaction of the body. If bruises persist for several subsequent sessions, or their size is very large, you should consult a specialist.

Features of honey massage technique at home

You should start massaging with honey from one part of the body (for example, first it will be a massage of the abdomen at home, then the legs, etc.). The duration of sessions should not exceed 20 minutes. The procedure should be alternated every other day.

How to do honey massage at home

Skin should be clean and prepared

The main contraindication to the use of honey massage is an allergy to honey. Before performing a massage, it is worth doing a small test: Apply a little honey to your skin and wait for a response. If nothing happens, you can start the massage.

Lush body hair can also interfere with massage.

Carrying out the procedure with honey at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Compliance with all the above rules will certainly lead to the desired result. Be beautiful and healthy!