Focusing the training primarily on development of speed-strength abilities, exercises with weights are used, performed at maximum speed, allowing you to improve the rate of increase in strength over time. Wherein amount of burden equal to 65-80 percent of the maximum value. Rest between sets is 30-60 s, and between series - 2-5 minutes. Each series includes 7-8 exercises (3-6 repetitions).
To improve speed and strength qualities, the “impact method” is also used, where the magnitude of the burden increases due to the use of the kinetic energy of a falling body or projectile (jumping from a deep dive, catching and tossing a shot, etc.). A more powerful muscle contraction occurs after a previous, more significant than in conventional exercises, stretching.
Methods for developing agility
Used in sports agility development technique primarily involves the use of a wide range of different exercises. They must constantly include an element of novelty. The following main groups are distinguished:
- exercises for the accuracy of measuring (single and multiple), differentiation, reproduction (coherence, proportionality) of positions, movements of the body, its parts and external objects;
- exercises for hitting accuracy (at a stationary and moving target);
- muscle relaxation exercises;
- balance exercises (dynamic and static).
Specific methods include repeated, continuous uniform and variable exercises, as well as the so-called contrast method of performing exercises with subsequent convergence of the degree of contrast.
For example, throwing a ball into a basket from long and close distances or very strong muscle tension followed by complete relaxation, etc. It is better to include agility exercises in the initial part of the lesson and perform them in short, no more than 15-minute series, against a background of non-fatigued condition. The rest intervals between sets should be sufficient to allow for relatively complete recovery. The small amount of agility exercises in a separate lesson is compensated by their more frequent use in the training system.
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