Treatment of gastric and intestinal diarrhea without abrasions

We'll start with diarrhea caused by slipperiness. You have already learned in the paragraphs about the stomach how slipperiness of the stomach in all its varieties is treated; Treatment of intestinal slipperiness is similar and homogeneous to the treatment of stomach slipperiness. However, we will list here the medications for drinking, dressings and treatment rules that are most suitable for this case. The rule in the treatment of diarrhea independent of ulcers is this: strong astringent medicines should be mixed with warming astringents and applied in the form of drinks and medicinal dressings; One should also use medicines that help nature and strengthen the pneuma, such as, for example, teryak, faruk, amrusiya and atanasiya. It is also necessary to prescribe diuretics, because they are very useful for this disease.

If there are signs indicating an abundance of mucus, start removing it; If medicines with weak or medium strength do not work, then sometimes you have to resort to, for example, a harbak. As for removing the matter of this disease with the help of vomiting, this is harmful and difficult, and vomiting rarely relieves the mucus that descends into the intestines. If possible, you should not drink water, and if you do drink it, it is absolutely unacceptable to drink it hot. Pure, weak, aged wine in small quantities is useful for such patients; wine that does not correspond to these properties harms them. And let them snack, if they like to snack, with something like oatmeal from rowan berries, oatmeal from dates, oatmeal from Constantinople horns, oatmeal from pomegranate seeds and oatmeal from jujube fruits. As for coriander, it has a strong effect on retaining food in the stomach.

Good compound medicines for such patients include the following: take the seeds of plantain and anise - each for one dirham, pomegranate peels and dragon's blood - each for half a dirham; such is the amount of medicine! for one dose, and it should be drunk with tart wine, and if the patient has a fever, then with rain water. Of the complex medicines, juvarishn from the Gauls, juvarishn from incense and juvarishn from Constantinople horns help. Useful medicinal dressings are, for example, a dressing with flaxseed and dry dates - its effect is enhanced by substances such as squeezed quince juice, fresh dill, tarasis, acacia and pomegranate flowers, as well as dressings made of mastic, rose, buckthorn and myrtle in equal parts. Sometimes these medicines are used to make patches with wax, mastic oil, quince or rose oil. Apply an Antilla bandage, a Dorotheus bandage and a bandage with black pepper.

As for diarrhea from ulcers in the intestines, its treatment consists of treating the ulcers and abundant consumption of drying and astringent cold substances, such as, for example, stews with the juice of unripe grapes or sumac. They are treated in the same way as dysentery, the treatment of which we will mention later. If there is a cause associated with bile, which pours into the intestines and causes ulceration, then it is best to remove it in the summer through vomiting, but not through ulcers, and if the cause of diarrhea is mucus, then the mucus must be removed using enemas mentioned in place. Give the patient light and hot food, prescribing fried and stewed dishes made from light varieties of meat, and reduce water consumption, and then, if stronger remedies are needed, prescribe harbak: white for the stomach, and black for the lower intestines. Harbak empties and at the same time changes the nature of the intestines.

Here is a recipe for a good medicine for wet slippery intestines, similar to a dish: take black olives, boil them and grind them together with the pits. They add pomegranate peels, white pepper and unripe olive oil and eat it all with bread. Mastic and frankincense should be mixed with the cold astringents used for this disease, and if the patient can tolerate pepper, then pepper.

When diarrhea due to the slipperiness of the intestines becomes chronic and the patient’s strength is close to decline, it is necessary to begin treatment by changing the nature of the intestines and warming them. The patient should be prescribed feasible physical exercises or taken to a bathhouse, where they lightly knead and rub him. Afterwards, the patient, who is not in a standing, but in a lying position, so that his thighs rise above the parts of the body located above them when he stands, is given a sip of strong meat juice with astringent wine and dry ka! com. If the strength and nature of the patient allows him to be given something to speed up the passage of food, for example, a little falafili and fudanaj, then give them in order to speed up the passage of food; when you do this, the liver will absorb some of the nutrients and become stronger.

As for other types of intestinal or gastric diarrhea not caused by slipperiness, the treatment of most of them is close to the treatment of slipperiness. When the cause of diarrhea is the outpouring of copious amounts of yellow bile into the stomach or intestines, then you should balance the activity of those organs where the bile originates and from which it leaves, that is, the liver and gall bladder, using the methods that you have learned in your place, and remove the bile surplus if it is plentiful. It is best to remove them by vomiting, when this is possible and easy, or by laxation, if the patient’s strength has not fallen and there is no fear that ulcers exist or may arise; after this you should resort to the already mentioned cooling and astringent agents. Drinking yellow myrobalans often cures this ailment; it expels yellow bile and leaves behind a cooling and astringent force. Useful remedies also include sour milk, especially sour milk with bamboo nodules, or liquid oatmeal.

If the cause of diarrhea is mucus, then it is treated with mucus-expelling drugs to drink or enemas when there is a lot of mucus. Then substances with binding and moderate warming properties are used: suitable remedies of this kind include an appetite medicine made from pomegranate seeds with cumin, Khuzistan medicine and spice cakes; if the mucus is glassy, ​​then you cannot avoid prescribing, for example, Asclepiades lozenges. Among the powders, use is made from ferula stinking, azhgon, toasted cumin soaked in vinegar, toasted flaxseed, sukkah, pomegranate flowers, cumin, myrrh and frankincense with bamboo nodules, in the most appropriate quantities, determined by the patient’s condition. If there is simultaneous presence of mucus and bile, and this is indicated by their release in the secretions and other signs, it is useful to take yellow myrobalans - one part, watercress - half a part and add to this sukka, myrtle berries, sumac and tamarisk galls - one sixth of each .

Sometimes the cause of diarrhea is black bile pouring into the intestines; we devote a special paragraph to this, talking about black bile diarrhea and attributing its causes to the spleen. We also devote a separate paragraph to food-related diarrhea. If diarrhea occurs only from weakness of strength or a disorder of nature, you observe a disorder of nature by its signs. Most often, a disorder of the intestinal nature is associated with a disorder of the stomach, and the symptoms of one are signs of the other. When weakness manifests itself in the digestive power and comes from the coldness of nature, then the Khuzistan juvarishn and our juvarishn are useful in the following recipe: take equal parts of raw aloe wood, toasted cumin soaked in vinegar, azhgon, cumin, frankincense, myrrh, toasted ginger, cardamom and crushed raisin seeds and make powders from it; for one appointment they give up to three dirhams. If there is an abundance of winds, we add Shahisfaram seeds and rue seeds to this medicine.

This combination of medicines, compiled by one of the doctors for this case, is also very useful: take ginger, fennel seeds, anise, long pepper and cardamom - each for three dirhams; ajgon seeds and celery seeds - four dirhams each; Ceylon cinnamon, fragrant cane, sati tubers and raw aloe tree - each for three and a half dirhams; sukkah - five dirhams, saffron - four dirhams, cloves, sweet marigolds and meleget pepper - each three dirhams with one sixth, and myrtle berries - twenty dirhams. Flatbreads are made from this; the amount per dose is determined according to the patient’s condition. Marmachus cakes also help with this, especially if the expelling power is also weak; The warming medicinal dressings mentioned above are also beneficial, and if diarrhea is accompanied by weakness of the expelling force, then bitter wormwood is added to them. If indigestion is caused by excessive heat, use cooling and somewhat astringent agents. The food should be rough; choose them from the category of cold and thick ones that we mention when speaking about indigestion. When weakness manifests itself in holding power and is caused by coldness or warmth, then use hot or cold astringents mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph. If the expelling power is weak, then prescribe powders of iron oxide and nutmeg in mint wine and apply medicinal dressings as needed.

We have already mentioned it in the paragraphs on the stomach. The treatment of this disease in most cases involves the treatment of diseases of the liver, gall bladder or stomach that produce bile, and information about it should be sought in the appropriate place.