Lefora Amputation

Lefort - amputation, what is it? When patients with pathologically changed joints require surgical treatment, the choice remains limited - unfortunately, there is no alternative to amputation. Surgery to remove the foot or toe will eliminate degenerative changes in the joint and prevent excruciating pain forever. For a specialist, amputation is the easiest way to save a patient’s life. Removal of the diseased joint is a last resort measure, which is used in the most difficult cases. The decision about surgery should be made by the specialist together with the patient. In this case, patient care will be comprehensive and will allow the patient to recover quickly.

In 617, a physician named "pentakot" Guttalis described another medical procedure associated with the separation of limbs - a manipulation called "pentokamp" (removal of the widest part of the arm, as well as the stump of the right arm). However, medicine has advanced and the procedure has been greatly improved. After a series of operations, in the 19th century, doctors invented and mastered the following types of this operation: * Early amputation of the femur of an adult - rhapsody; * Amputation