Lehndorff fracture

Residents of cities and small towns suffering from osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine often encounter a pathological condition such as a fracture of the spine (lessores, facet joints of the spine). The transverse element, which serves as a stretcher, strengthens the spine and connects to adjacent vertebrae and ribs.

Graceful and Lehndorff-Graceful fractures are classified as supratrochanteric fractures located at the T4-T6 level. A Leforce supratrochanteric fracture is basically a simple hanging fracture of the costal space of the spine without damage to the transverse process. In addition, compression of the medial aspect of the sternolumbar joint leads to slow destruction of the body at T3-T5. This is called a Landorff-Gracia vertebral fracture. As a result of a compression injury to the torso or a severe blow to the back, the vertebrae are eventually split in the middle by compression or corporal destruction occurs on only one side, while the other part of the body remains intact.