
Leukodyiresis is the process of separating white blood cells into individual cells using special separation techniques. Leukocytes are white blood cells that play an important role in the body's immune system. They are involved in protecting against infections and other diseases, as well as regulating the functioning of the immune system.

Leukodyiresis is used in medicine to diagnose various diseases related to the immune system. For example, when diagnosing leukemia (blood cancer), white blood cells may be separated into individual cells to determine the type of tumor and its characteristics. Leukodyoresis can also be used to determine the presence of infection in the body or to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

There are several methods of leukodyresis. One of them is centrifugation, when leukocytes are separated into fractions using centrifugal force. Another method is magnetic separation, where white blood cells are separated from other blood cells using a magnetic field.

It is important to note that leukodirezis is an invasive test that can cause discomfort and pain in the patient. Therefore, before performing leukodyresis, it is necessary to ensure that it is necessary and obtain the patient’s consent.

**Leucodieresis** is a process based on dosed elimination of nuclear young forms of fibrocytes from a section of connective tissue within the lesion. The result of leukodyresis may be the development of stromal forms of the disease and, as a consequence, the transition of the tumor to the 1st, 2nd and even 3rd differential diagnosis. Retrograde lymphatic pathways and intergroup blood flows formed as a result of leukodyresis, responsible for the self-regulation of the connective tissue process, attract new young fibrocytes and support the formation of more or less full-fledged inflammatory reactions.

Taking into account the possible and quite pronounced drug hypo- or resistance of the tumor cell to chemotherapy, the use of cytostatic drugs with activators of leukodiresis processes is of interest. The choice of treatment regimen must be made taking into account certain predictors: increased leukodyresis corresponds to more sensitive tumors with high proliferative activity, and suppression of the leukodyresis process reduces the effect of chemotherapy. The absence of relationships will indicate that the focus of the primary neoplasm, “cleaned” of connective tissue structures, is intact, or that it is rare