Medicines that preserve hair

Hair-preserving medicines are medicines that have a slight drawing-out heat and astringent force, and have special properties due to which they act. Simple substances of this kind are mentioned by us in the Book of Simple Medicines, and in the Pharmacopoeia we also mention complex medicines. Here we will talk about medicines that are most suitable for this place in the book, and about simple substances that are suitable for preserving hair and preventing hair loss , generally speaking, and then we will determine the necessary conditions for using them.

Medicines of this kind are, for example, myrtle and its berries, frankincense, emblic and Kabul myrobalans, myrrh, sabur, adiantum, sometimes they also include galls due to their astringent properties. This also includes lycium, especially with astringent wine, myrtle oil, mastic oil, myrtle juice, squeezed juice of azadaracht leaves, ash of flax stems burned along with seeds, in the form of an ointment with oil, or burnt nut shells, if mixed with myrtle oil . Astringent wine and lubrication with it are useful, especially for children.

And complex remedies are a composition of myrtle berries, galls and emblic myrobalans, which are boiled in rose oil or in myrtle oil in a well-known way and consumed, or fresh myrtle leaves, incense, buckthorn, ends of cypress stems and myrtle berries with these medicines in crushed form, diluted in olive oil, coat the head. They also take black myrtle berries, celery seed, the ends of myrtle branches, beet seeds and the ends of blackberries - each one part of maidenhair and frankincense - half a part, black wine - six parts of the medicine are boiled in wine until they are boiled and there is no wine left. one third, then add two parts of olive oil scented with syt or sumbul, and again boil the composition until it boils three times, and then the water and oil are separated from the medicine by strong squeezing, put in a clay pot, shaken and consumed as needed. This product preserves and darkens hair.

They also take celery seeds, beet seeds, adiantum, incense - two ukiyya each, fifteen pieces of walnuts, pine root bark - rittl. All this is baked one night in a bread oven, having first been placed in a cauldron coated with clay, and left to stand until everything is baked enough to be ground, then ground and added with rittle of bear fat - this is better - or goose fat and removed. Whenever the medicine is needed, it is dissolved in perfumed oil and consumed; it also helps against incipient baldness.

Or they take one and a half ritls of astringent wine, incense - one uqiya, burnt pine bark - two uqiyas, burnt adiantum - the same amount, bear fat - rittle, squeezed black nightshade juice - four uqiyas and a half, cook the incense in the wine until it thickens, put medicines are put into it, stirred and removed. When you need medicine, take a little of it with some scented oil - preferably spikenard oil, and sometimes smear it on without oil.

Here is another of the easy medicines: take myrrh, frankincense, myrtle oil, or better yet, oil prepared by boiling wallflower and myrtle juice, as well as astringent wine, mix as the circumstances require, and spread.

They also take anemone leaves with myrtle oil, smear them on the head and leave it for one night, after which the patient bathes in a bath; this preserves and blackens the hair.

They also take incense, maidenhair, pine bark ash, bear fat and a sufficient amount of tart wine mixed with mastic or myrtle oil, or take half a liter of henna crushed into dust and ten dirhams of crushed green galls, add strong vinegar - the same amount as henna and galls , and distill the substance obtained from the distillation through pumpkin and alembic, which preserves the hair. Or they take maidenhair and frankincense - equally and myrtle oil - as much as is enough, or they take incense, lizard feces and sea urchin feces - five dirhams each, mountain rue - two dirhams, grind with astringent wine, mix with bear fat and consume.