Leptomeningitis Cerebral

Leptomeningitis is the general name for inflammatory diseases of the soft and arachnoid meninges (meningitis), which can be primary, i.e. caused by a specific meningococcal infection, or secondary, resulting from the development of infection in the cerebrospinal fluid and/or cerebrospinal fluid. Leptomeningitis is classified as meningitis and only includes meningitis due to a cause other than tuberculosis or syphilis.

Leptomeningeal (arachnoiditis and meningitis)? No no no! Leptothorax, leptomastitis... Perhaps you, like me, did not notice.

That's right. There is nothing of this in the letter combination leptomening**a**lny, but this phrase is so deeply rooted in the brain that we use it without noticing the absurd combination.

There is practically no reliable information in the literature about the inflammatory process in the meninges by localization. The exception is myelitis, inflammation of the spinal cord roots.