Leptospirosis Jaundice

Article "Leptospirosis anicteric"

Leptostriosis is a large group of acute infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. In most cases, the disease occurs acutely, acutely or subacutely with or without intoxication syndrome. Anicteric forms of leptosyrosis in children occur with persistence of disorientation, headache, symptoms of fever and dehydration. The recovery phase often occurs after a few weeks. The course of leptostriosis in children is unpredictable; all its variants are possible, including prolonged septic reactions and the development of purulent-septic diseases of internal organs. Whether further treatment of leptostriasis can be successful is determined by the child’s age, general condition, the presence of complications of the disease, the timeliness of the prescribed therapy, the degree of severity, and the speed of occurrence of the allergic reaction. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the pathogen to quickly develop pathogenic endurance and resistance to antibiotics during long periods of hospitalization of patients.

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria that infect arthropods - rodents, as well as animals, some of which fall into the swamp. Subsequently, the pathogens infect the external environment, where the pathogen persists from several months to several years. A person can become infected with leptistris by drinking water from natural bodies of water. The source of the disease is a person - a patient or a carrier.