Lewis Triple Answer

Lewis Triple Answer is a term that describes the three main components that assist the cardiologist in diagnosing and treating patients with cardiovascular disease. These components include:

  1. Analyzing the patient's symptoms: Cardiologists must take into account all the symptoms that the patient is experiencing, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.
  2. Physical examination: Cardiologists examine the patient to assess his condition, including pulse, blood pressure, breathing, etc.
  3. Laboratory tests: Cardiologists may order a variety of blood, urine, and other tests to get a more accurate picture of a patient's condition.

All these components help cardiologists quickly and accurately diagnose the disease and choose the most effective treatment method.

**Lewis Triple Answer** is a cardiologist who developed a method for correcting cardiac arrhythmias using electrical pulse therapy. This method is still often used in medicine due to its effectiveness and relatively low cost.

He was a prominent American cardiologist who made many scientific advances in the treatment of heart disease. One of his most famous works is devoted to the treatment of atrial fibrillation, a heart disease characterized by irregular heartbeat rhythms. Triple suggested electro