Lichen Flat Tropical

Lichen planus is a white or yellow growth under the nail plate, shaped like a hemisphere or oval. It resembles a somewhat thickened and overgrown fold of skin and appears in the area between the thumb and index finger. Often present on both hands. In some cases, it is detected on the feet and other parts of the body. The symptom is characteristic of almost all adults, although it is often found in children and adolescents.

The main difference between lichen and other skin problems is its isolation from other damage. In one place only one white plaque grows, which has nothing in common with other lesions.

This disease in humans usually occurs as a reaction to cold and stress. In addition, it often develops together with psoriasis, dermatitis, candidiasis and allergies. Forming in the form of a single plaque, it will exist for a long time without changes. It goes away gradually if nothing is done to cure it. Interferes with the presence of other foci of the disease. Discomfort is noticeable mainly when the fingertip begins to grow. Then a light, yellowish-tinged thickening with a rough surface is formed. After some time, a bubble filled with liquid appears. Over time, it bursts, after which the healing process begins. After a crust forms, all symptoms go away on their own. A person experiences a painful sensation at the first stage of its development.