Ligaments of the Bases of the Metacarpal Bones Interosseous [L. Basium (Ossium Metacarpalium) Interossea, Bna]

Introduction The ligaments of the base of the metacarpal bone are special connective tissue structures that provide stability and functionality to the metacarpal bones in the hand. They allow you to maintain the correct shape of the hand, ensuring safety and comfort when moving and performing various tasks. This article will discuss the definition, function and location of the metacarpal base ligaments, as well as their role in maintaining normal hand function and preventing injury. Definition The bones of the hand have three main tiers: proximal, middle and distal. Each tier consists of a number of bone elements: five metacarpal and three phalangeal joints, formed between the metacarpal bones and the bones of the fingers. The metacarpal bones are the basis for the formation of the handshake and hold the entire skeleton in the correct position.

The ligament of the base of the metacarpal bones is a connective tissue structure that connects the base of the middle part of the first bone of the metacarpal tier with the middle part of the second metacarpal,

Interosseous ligaments of the bases of the metacarpal bones (lat. L. Basium Ossium Metacarpalum Interossea Bna) are ligaments that connect the bases of the metacarpal bones in the proximal part of the hand.

The ligaments of the bases of the metacarpal bones are one of the most important elements of the musculoskeletal system of the human hand. They provide stability and mobility at the base of the fingers, and also maintain the correct shape of the hand and its functionality.

Normally, the ligaments at the base of the metacarpal bones should be elastic and strong to provide the necessary stability to the base of the fingers and prevent injuries when the hand is loaded. However, if the ligaments are weakened or damaged, it can lead to various hand conditions such as wrist pain, finger deformities, and other problems.

To diagnose and treat diseases of the ligaments of the bases of the metacarpal bones, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the hand, including radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography and other methods. Depending on the identified pathology, various treatment methods may be prescribed, such as physiotherapy, exercise therapy, drug therapy and surgery.

It is important to remember that the health of the hands and ligaments of the base of the metacarpal bones is an important aspect of a person’s overall health, so it is necessary to take care of them, monitor your lifestyle and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.