Ligaments of the Bases of the Metatarsal Bones Dorsal [L. Basium (Ossium Metatarsalium) Dorsalia, Jna]

Dorsal metatarsal base ligaments - l. basiāris (ossum mētarso-palmārum) dōrsālia, jna. They form the posterior surface of the bases of the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones and foot. The first dorsal base consists of two ligaments: superficial and deep. The deep ligament on the medial side is divided into two legs: the larger

Treatment of articular lesions of the ligamentous apparatus of the foot.

Arthrosis and arthritis of the joints of the lower extremities are very common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. These diseases spare no one, so they are a big problem for both doctors and patients. This disease is quite difficult to recognize at the initial stage (dystrophic phenomena are not visible without X-ray examination), and treatment must be carried out long-term and complex. This disease of the joints of the foot includes such degenerative and inflammatory pathologies as: coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, foot-shoulder syndrome, lesions of the toes, many of which occur in women in old age and lead to significant deformation of the joints. It must be taken into account that these diseases arise, first of all, due to heart and vascular diseases, as well as lack of physical activity. Treatment of such diseases is within the competence of an orthopedic traumatologist. Treatment includes restoration of articular cartilage, removal of sclerotic tumors, removal of osteophytes, and replacement of the meniscus. The complex treatment of pathology includes the use of various medications, including hormones, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and exercise therapy, and in cases where it is impossible to cure with conservative methods, surgical intervention is indicated. After surgery, to prevent complications and the development of post-traumatic arthrosis of the foot, reconstructive surgery is performed, which allows you to connect the broken bone without compressing the joint tissue and restore functionality to the joint. The operation requires long-term rehabilitation, pain management and frequent observation by the attending doctor, but it allows the patient to completely restore the supporting function of the foot and avoid the pathology becoming severe. Complete replacement of the joint with arthrosis does not occur, but it is possible to restore normal functionality and maintain the ability to move for a long time. Thus, medical practice shows that arthrosis (and especially deforming post-traumatic arthrosis) is a complex and lengthy treatment and does not always end favorably. That is why it is very important to start fighting this disease at the earliest stage, when it is possible to preserve the functionality of the joint and thereby improve the patient’s quality of life. What are the treatment tactics? First you need to exclude the cause of the lesion and try to neutralize it. It is important to remember that therapeutic measures must be comprehensive, aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process, prolonging the active life of the joints, preserving their functional ability and preventing the progression of arthrosis. All these components can be included in the treatment complex. As a rule, the following types of therapeutic effects are distinguished: taking medications, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, surgical treatment, as well as the use of chondroprotectors. According to scientific research, it is an integrated approach that allows you to eliminate joint pathology and improve the quality of future life.