Type of Higher Nervous Activity Speech

The problem of speech organization and its connection with typological characteristics is important for teaching children in all forms of the educational process and determining optimal learning conditions. This primarily applies to school practice. At the same time, a number of complex issues remain undeveloped to date or have been considered only in rudimentary form. In this regard, it seems relevant to study the age dynamics and typology of children’s speech, taking into account the general structure of their personality. The main components of this structure, which most clearly characterize the general characteristics of the personality, are the type of higher nervous activity - mental, or, as it is designated, GNI - mental and the type of higher nervous activity - speech, designated GNI - speech. I. P. Pavlov identified among the properties inherent in the human personality, the two most important for the consciousness of the individual are temperament, a set of types of higher nervous activity, and individual characteristics, the essence of which lies in the dynamic trends in the development of the human body, formed against the background of the type specified above higher nervous activity.

- GND: the mental activity of a person (a person, as a rule) and speech stimulate the growth of self-awareness, awareness of a person’s place in society; they are interconnected. Therefore, the logic of language, as the basis of thinking, is formed through thinking and speech. They are part of the structure of communication and thinking. According to Pavlov, the processes of thinking and the mechanisms of speech cannot be independent of each other and function in unity in the system of thinking and communication. Features of GNI determine the logic of the individual’s relationship with the world and other people. In fact, a person with such a mindset, who vividly describes his own individuality, builds the world in which he wants to live. Willpower determines willpower. They also depend on the type of GNI, while the type of GNI determines how much a person will follow or not follow moral laws. Various types of GNI reveal forms of human creative activity. When the types of GNI change, even creative activity changes [19,81,82].

It has been established that when solving an intellectual ability test, even boys and girls with different types of GNI perform tasks differently. At the same time, speech is not the main tool and objective indicator of intelligence. Personal characteristics are of utmost importance. It is differences in personality type that determine differences in problem solving. A person with developed intelligence freely solves more complex problems than one who has