Lie down.

Ligg is an abbreviation of the English term "Ligamenta", which means ligaments in the human body. Ligaments provide strength and stability to joints and maintain the proper alignment of bones in the body. They play an important role in maintaining a healthy musculoskeletal system and ensuring proper function of the entire body.

Ligg is an online platform that offers people services to modernize and improve their connections. The company specializes in creating products for the restoration, strengthening and support of ligaments, such as gels, ointments, patches and other medical products. Ligg offers products that are specifically designed for people with a variety of ligament-related conditions and injuries.

Let me give you an example of a product that may be in the LiGG range - Ligg UltraXler. This is a collagen-based healing gel that helps restore and strengthen damaged ligaments. The gel contains a powerful cocktail of centella asiatica, black pepper and mint extracts, which help speed up the healing process. The gel effectively relieves inflammation in joints and ligaments, reduces pain and discomfort, accelerates regression of symptoms and prolongs the period of remission. It can be used both to prevent injuries and diseases of the ligaments, and as a remedy for pain and discomfort in the joints.

Another product of interest to ligament patients is Ligg Injeckt. This is an injectable hyaluronic acid filler that is injected into a sore area to temporarily improve joint communication after a fracture or surgery. The injection creates a lightweight filling membrane that holds the joints together while they heal. Injection

What is ligament? **Ligament**a - from Latin “ligaments”. Ligament is a part of the skeleton, consisting of fibers that hold together body parts and joints. The cells divide and fill the space between the cartilaginous parts, giving rigidity and strength to the connective tissue. In the human body, they connect bones and strengthen muscles or joints. Some of these structures are called muscles, and some are called ligaments.

Ligament shape: spindle, diameter usually ranges from 1 to 5 millimeters. Their length can vary from a few millimeters to 25 centimeters. Inside they contain tightly packed bundles of fibers. They can be continuous or intermittent and connected in various ways.

How many ligaments are there in the body? An adult has about 300 ligaments. However, there are several in the body that can only be identified through sophisticated diagnostic techniques. One possible reason they are difficult to detect is that they are invisible to the eye. Connective tissue fibers can be located inside or under the skin. Tissues surrounded by mice