Light Cell

Cellular lungs or ethmoid lungs (pulmones cribrosus) are one of the types of lungs and are a collection of alveoli and bronchioles. They make up about 70% of the lungs' volume and are responsible for gas exchange between blood and air.

Light honeycombs have a special structure that allows them to effectively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Alveoli are small bubbles that are filled with air and separated from each other by a thin wall. Bronchioles are tubular structures that connect the alveoli and provide air flow into the lungs.

For the healthy functioning of the lung cells, it is necessary to maintain their healthy condition. This is achieved through regular exercise, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits.

In addition, lungs can be susceptible to various diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema and others. If you experience symptoms of these diseases, you should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

In general, lung cells play an important role in our body and require constant attention and care for our health.

Lungs The lungs are a paired respiratory organ in humans, other vertebrates and most invertebrates, consisting of a network of alveoli - sacs penetrated by numerous capillaries, intertwined with simple tubes of bronchioles (bronchi).

They are located in the chest cavity, they occupy most of it. The lung is covered with a thin pleural layer of the serous membrane. The pleural cavity separates the lung from neighboring organs - the diaphragm, heart, trachea, esophagus, and posterior mediastinum. The pulmonary lobes are separated by deep slits - pulmonary grooves.

The lung has two surfaces - upper and lower (or medial and lateral), lateral, posterior